While I was browsing in Multiply, I saw this post from
Kuya Herson about name meanings. Curious, I tried it and this is the result I got...
Louise Anne Luces
Reliable, intelligent and skillful you like to experiment and apply your abilities to productive projects. Being cautious and well disciplined you think things through carefully before taking action. Appreciating peace and beauty you need to have harmony in your life and enjoy relaxing times alone. Your charm, honesty and sense of fair play ensure that you are admired by all who know you.
60% of that is true and the remaining 40% is something questionable. That 40% mostly comprises the last sentence. First, I don't think that I have the charming pheromones to charm people. They even say that I'm always letting out the negative pheromones that one time lead to a lot of chaos and misunderstanding in school. Second, I'll be honest here but I'm not really honest; sometimes I am, but most of the time, I'm not. Third, the fair play is fine but that's one of the reasons why I hate my existence. I'm always feeling that I give too much to the people who definitely won't even thought of the fair play thing, so I always end up with nothing. (I'm being an emo here, I'm definitely happy by this time) Fourth, 'Admired by people?' I have nothing to say on that one.
Vampire Knight is really COOL. Gah~ I wish that I was able to read the manga, but I'm just really lazy browsing online.