I'm actually going to put the sick mode but I opened the Dream of Doll website and it just happened that my headache is no big deal anymore. Though my head still hurts like hell.
~Dream of Doll
Finally, after some delays of opening the main website! Dream of Doll is way to addicting even if I just browsed the dolls' images there! How I wish they were real even if it will be scary seeing perfect beings like them walking around. Actually, even if they're just seen in pictures, one would feel very intimidated. Their eyes are ones of a pure and innocent beings that ever lived, and what more if they were alive?! You would envy them until you suddenly die from being a pyscho person getting jealous over those people! Even if they are dolls, I'm really jealous of how beautiful they are! Their eyes are really the main thing as if they're saying that "I don't need to be a human to be this beautiful" with another added evil thought of "Ya jealous?"
By the way, Dream of Dolls are classified to categories specifically ages. The Dream of Teenager and Dream of Children are the best!! The fashion style is way too AWESOME, and they are all beautiful!! I love all of the dolls but I favorited some dolls too!
The dolls I favorited from Dream of Teenager...

Dream of Children...

And the pairings that made my heart skip ^^

One of the pairings is a boyxboy pairing and those two are actually kids.
I mostly saved full body pictures because I am really so enticed by the shoe wears and the whole costume. There are more pretty pictures on this
linkI hope I'll be able to cosplay one DOD someday. Probably if I'll be able to get an awesome make-up artist and an extremely perfect photographer. I also hope that I'll be able to purchase one, but looking at the price, it would really make me starve for a year. TT^TT
~The thing I'm supposed to write about if I didn't check DOD
I went to school for the student orientation meeting. Everyone is so quiet and only a few people are responding. After the meeting, I attended this seminar for 3 hours. The seminar's about scholars. Since there are only 14 of us, my mind bled from all the surprise questions asked. The seminar's more of a group discussion which is so FULL of questions. My head really hurts after that. And I hate interpreting quotations!!(random)
The mosquitos are eating me up (random)