|Mangaholix Mania II|
This is the last con before classes start, so I went to SMX Convention Center and enjoyed the day. Starting the story is what I did this morning, I arrived at Festival and I noticed that I left my perfume at home. I would definitely want to put on perfume because my hair smells like burned Cream Silk due to the curling I did. I entered Shopwise and "tested" the Lewis and Pearl perfume that smelt nice. Hohoho!

I went in a "j-wack" costume. Putting up this costume is really enjoyable. First is the shirt customization I did with my top and second is the shopping for additional blings and stuffs. I was only planning to be Dani's photographer but I ended up costriping as well. There are some times that I'll be stuck with photographers that are randomly coming in to take my pictures. That's really weird for someone wearing J-wack clothes.
There's a lot of people there but there's no cosplay motivation among the moods around. I saw cosplayers that are really good with their costumes and some cosplayers cosplaying the characters I really love.

I think he was also the one that cosplayed Ryoma last Ozine Fest. I have two pictures of him because I always pass by him and he never fails to make me go "MOE" over him

She's cosplaying my favorite DOD Tender Shall. That's one of my dream costumes. I saw two cosplayers of Tender Shall so I was really amazed.
I checked out some booths and I went to this Manga selling area.

Ohhh..Hot Gimmick Mangas
I went around again and met the people I should see. I even saw a Wolfram cosplayer for the first time on my year of cosplaying. There's a lot of Vampire Knight cosplayers but sadly, everyone disappointed me.

A Yankumi cosplayer I found ^^

That's Ysabel and Dani playing around

It was only half of the day but I feel my energy already sinking down. Here is really the lucky and cool part of my day: Suddenly, we grouped around these people because Essa's talking to them and the first time I saw them, I really felt the "the-big-thing" aura. I didn't mind at first then we just headed to Mall of Asia to eat. The aura's really keeping me stiff while walking around so I asked Dani who the girl in pink and the girl in black were, and she said,
"Si Isa pati si Kune" I fell silent for the whole walk thing to MOA. I was starstrucked to have a lunch with Isa and Kune. My eyes are like this 0.0 all the time and I can't even talk that much anymore. We are only 6, so it's really something awesome for me. I'm just really stupid to not have a picture with them because I was really too shy to even ask them and or even introduce myself to them. *bashes head* Isa is really really really nice even though I commented that I don't like the green tea ice cream that she's eating. At first, I thought Kune is a really serious person but she's really funny and kind. She's like the one giving most of the happy mood among us. We went back and got seperated with them and we walked around again.

Here's Geoff. He's really scary when he's in hyper mode, but really funny

While resting, we saw this guy comfortably lying down on the cold ground

The rabbit...

DOD Nez from the Hachi cosplayer. I was doing Banzai to her because DODs are hell expensive
I followed Dani around and that following thing made me really sleepy. I'm already out of energy and I'm blaming the boots for everything!! I feel so ashamed of myself because starting from the lunch when I stopped blurting out things, it continued up to the point when there's a LOT of people that I should meet. Usually, I'll introduce myself but all I did today was walk. I feel even more ashamed because they introduced themselves to me but I'm not having conversations with them. TT^TT I'm really ashamed of myself. The family Dani's in is really an awesome one. They're composed of really good cosplayers and judging from the platforms they have, they really are regular cosplayers. Kune's also part of their family and they are associated with the Tuxedo Team. Ate Louie who cosplayed Nana awestrucked me because she's really pretty and the perfect character for Nana Osaki. There's also a Sekime-looking guy among them. I am not exaggerating, he really does look exactly like Sekime. Oh! Speaking of Sekimes, I saw two Sekimes today! They are not cosplaying, they are normal people. And again, I AM NOT EXAGGERATING THEY LOOK EXACTLY LIKE SEKIME! And again, I didn't have their pics because I don't have the guts to ask them. Even Dani's family kept me like this 0.0 because they are really awesome and again, I was too scared because they're so cool and super close too each other plus there's too many of them.

We went back again and this is spending the money part. Urbandub played there and I am again happy since my energy went back. I was also waiting for Alodia for a picture but then she annoyed me because she is not coming out from the backstage. I saw a glimpse of her hair though when I peeked in the backstage.
Before we left, we tried the Dance Mania machine and I think ParaPara is much enjoyable and nice^^
Sorry, I thought I won't have money to come back home T_T
I might not come to Toycon because of the costume I'm saving up for. This ends my Mangaholix Mania II entry today
I wasn't able to have my last forum-ing as silverdusk07 because I can't log in T_T
+Naruto 204
Sasuke is scary~ His main goal now is to destroy Konoha. I also noticed that Sasuke has weird sense of group names, from Team Snake/Hebi, he now changed it to Team Eagle. What the hell?
+Random Cosplay thought
I saw an Espada Neliel cosplayer today and I am really in tears. I promised myself that I'll improve the Neliel cosplay and I'll make a better, more promising one for the honor of my favorite Bleach character. The same goes for Vampire Knight.