|Devil May Cry|
I watched another shounen anime again. This anime is the animated version of the game Devil May Cry. It has 12 episodes full of cool bloody scenes. I've not watched an anime this bloody since Code Geass so I'm like a freak smiling by myself while watching the scenes. This is also full of demons and bloods(again). The ending song "I'll be your home" is so NICE! It inspires the people who can't move on and are feeling so down and emotional. I even feel like dedicating that song to the people who lost their loved ones in China...I don't know, I just feel like it
I thought that this would be a MOE anime but I was wrong. I'm currently watching Spiral, and it's really making my head ache so much. This is more of a mind game just like Death Note and I always almost end up in a Psyduck mode. I don't understand how they discover all of those tricks, it's way too crazy @.@
@.@ I'm updating myself more in anime and I want to read lots of mangas but I don't have enough time T.T My mom's even shooeing me away already even though I only used only 2 hours here T.T I'm updating myself with Vampire Knight cause it looks so cool
I plan on changing emoticons every month unless i won't have time to change the emoticons. The emoticon from my last post is included as a May post even though it's dated June 1, Waa~ I was online by 1 A.M(P.S: I'm not sneaking out) and besides, Mangaholix is dated May 31, so it's a May post. Hohohoho!
Suddenly, I felt like blinded by the truth, I feel so lonely and left out for some reasons. I thought that I'm done with that thing already but I can't help but think of things again
I'm at the edge of deciding if I'll put Sweet Harmony in hiatus because my next two stories are way too original in my opinion. Sweet Harmony is like a common story and well, (-_-) I'm losing my interest already...GOMEN to my story TT^TT