For 3 straight days, my mode stays the same. I now assure myself that I can't lie anymore, I have to express the right emotion to be satisfied that I'm doing the right thing. This post is not the one that I'm talking about yesterday. I'm thinking of more ideas to add to those 4 main thoughts that I'll post soon.
Only a sigh mode can represent all the emotions I'm currently feeling. Right now, I'm in a state when I think that no one would even bother to understand the hell I'm doing. That's the second thing I hate in a person: Saying bad statements about the things you have passion for. First of all, what does that person think of that hobby you are in? Does he even know the importance of that thing to you? And what is the right she has saying that it's SO UNIMPORTANT because you are just wasting elctricity? I've written a lot about this several times but I really can't help myself now but stay quiet and glare at the computer screen. Those are the problems with people, they don't know how to put themselves to another person's shoes. That's why this world is so rotten already, everyone is selfish, conceited and inconsiderable. They would prefer to hurt other people just to conclude that they're right. People would see nothing but ONLY the bad parts you have and they would see nothing but "GOOD" parts in themselves. They are not thinking of others's emotions because the only important thing is what they're feeling.