The day started last night when I had an overtime study period because the word problems in Aina's Math reviewer made me go RAWRRR!
Before I decided to sleep, I tried continuing my Chapter 2 but I failed [Writer's Block is attacking once again] so I ended up reading Leanne Ashley's
Little Piece of Heaven. That story never failed to amuse me, I'm inspired by the way she writes and how un-OOC the characters are (except for Neji probably). When I realized it was 3:15 in the morning, I decided to stop since my sister will wake up by 4. I thought that I can sleep peacefully after tiring my eyes but I was wrong, I wasn't able to sleep at all. The real insomnia's attacking.
I "woke" up 8:45 in the morning and watched D. Gray Man. Allen is really awesome and Road Kamelot's dubber is really amazing. I like how she says, "Bookman~" XDD I'm late for anything (hangouts, meetings, etc.) as usual and my excuse is the scary thunders that randomly came while I was watching.

I met up with everyone in Greenwich. The hangout for today is...I think...a despedida for the Montessori Scholars who will transfer to other schools. I'm a close friend of them and it's really sad that there won't be anyone left who I can cry on during school days T.T Anyways, there was this hot-looking waiter who looks like my sempai, Migs Potenciano. I was surprised that they have the same personality, LOL. There was another waiter who dropped my camera. He looks really freaked out after that.

We went to Karaoke next. We reserved the biggest room in X site. It was awesome, I did not sing but I listened properly to the people who sang XD And while I was listening to them, my ever-so-awesome text mate Kristy is making me go lolz all over again. And also, Muken (Ayyah) made a bit depressed when she announced that she's not coming to IU Meet TT.TT (Darn you Muken DX Beh!)

We went to the racing area. It was my first time to try that and it was actually really fun XD The picture above is the Kuya showing his manly skills in racing with a different position stlye XD We karaoked again, rode the bump cars and then decided to eat. I miss Mcdo's Oreo Fudge (Random) It's all thanks to Liz who made this hangout possible XD
Today is very tiring. My mind is set to review today to avenge myself against those word problems in Math but my hand is in a bad condition DX It's probably because of texting, I texted a lot today DX Tomorrow, another hangout, this time with my IU peeps! I wish a lot of people can come and Muken will suddenly have a surprise appearance. LOL.
|Extra: Dear Kaichou wa Maid-sama Scanlators for Chapter 34 in Mangafox|
Please pardon my rudeness for not having consideration over your hard work to translate Chapter 34. As far as I know, 2 Scanlation Groups already posted the Chapter 34 in Mangafox BUT none of you did the Usui and Hinata scene right. Usui isn't suppose to say "Tsk" but he's supposed to say, "Woof" or "Arf" and Hinata...I don't know but all I know is that, that part with Usui is not right. I already knew the detailed story of the future stories from Tatsukida and I guess that detailed story is more proper than the scanlated chapters.
I am not saying that you are doing bad. I thank you for posting as early as you can but my concern is, please don't change their actual lines especially Usui's. I don't want to see a super OOC Usui in the future scanlated chapters. Thank you!