|YFC Covenant|
Continuing as an active member, I attended my first YFC Covenant at Woodhills Clubhouse last March 5, 2008. When I arrived, as expected, there isn't a lot of people there but I'm glad that I saw acquaintances that time. As I thought, the place isn't the clubhouse I'm thinking XD

I was supposed to be a participant but I ended up being a half participant and half service team. Honestly, I don't even know that I'm supposed to be a participant until Mae told me that I am. There were talks and each one of them was not boring…LOL. I listened attentively just so you know! XD During the group discussion, I identified myself as an assistant facilitator (Yes, the heads are not aware that I'm supposed to be a participant) I met this girl who has natural light brown eyes. They're too dazzling. LOL. When I talked to her, I was surprised when she asked me if I'm a model *nosebleed* I asked her why, then she said because of the way I dress, then another person came and told me that I look like an anime character. LOL. I guess there are only a few otakus in youth organizations.

Lunch time, I invaded Kristy's house in Woodhills along with Chin. I finally saw her awesome drawings! Like what I always say, I can't draw but I'm very very happy when I see real drawings and all I can do is comment on how much I love it <3 When we returned, I watched them skate amazingly. I don't skate and I'm afraid to skate *shot*

I was amazed when I saw a real HepHep! Hooray! Game. It was so much fun to watch. I didn't join but watching them makes happy! And so, after that ice breaker and a reflection, we proceeded to the last two talks. I liked the last talk of Mommy Camille Fermin. Yes, she's my momah 8D I think being separated from the boys is very relaxing…and that time, I found out that I'm one existing sexist. The whole activity ended with a worship :)

Before we left, I watched Kuya Mac victimizing everyone's asses as he hit them very hard with a cartolina. I was a victim also TT.TT All of us went home together, one jeep can't fit all of us. It's a new experience and new feeling, I felt happy :) I was tired that day, but knowing that it's my chance to buy a DVD, I checked the DVD stores there and found Kuroshitsuji. I want to buy Vampire Knight also and some other animes but my money isn'e enough for everything. So, at the end, I bought Kuroshitsuji
I'm actually undecided if I'll join the Team Building next Friday. Honestly, I don't feel like coming even though my friends are coming especially that it will be held somewhere far. And the thought of swimming and getting divided to a group doesn't sound okay at all. Plus, I've got free tickets for the premiere of Angels & Demons that day. But knowing those reasons, I still feel a tint of guilt. I guess I have to hurry up and decide DX
|SM Adventure|
I haven't gone back to school for review since last week, so before this week ended, I decided to review yesterday. When I got there with everything prepared, I smiled at Manong Guard and said that I came there to review. Then, he smiled back at me and said, "There are no teachers today, they're all in a seminar" It took me 3 seconds to absorb what he said. Without any teachers, no rooms are available and that includes the library. So, before my ride left, I chased after it.

My dad was in a hurry so I decided that I'll do the reviewing in SM Las Pinas instead. It was my first time to go there alone so I relied on my direction skills (Do I have that?) . I found the food court and I'm happy that there's only a few people around even if It's nearly lunchtime already.

So I reviewed there even though it's quite noisy around. So, thinking of being in SM a chance to hunt for wig caps, I went to the department store, finding out that they don't even know what that is. Time to eat and when it's me…I usually don't know what to eat. I walked around the place 3 times to find any store with a soup or anything with no rice and meat. It was stupid of me when I noticed that there are more stalls at the other side and finally, I found Goto King <3

The food made me happy that day. It was delicious and it really satisfied me <3 Before I met with Ayyah, I decided to stop by the skating rink to watch. It's been a really long time since I've seen one. It seems like I haven't seen the outside world for a long time. LOL. I thought that the way out of the mall will be easy but I totally underestimated the situation. I got lost. There are numerous exits but I'm looking at the one with jeeps. After checking 5 exits, I finally found the right one *sigh*

I arrived at SM Tunasan by around 2 P.M when we are supposed to meet by 1 P.M. Ayyah was late also XD So, we went to the food court and started exchanging reviewers. I like Kriselle's reviewer more…Ayyah's was quite brain damaging. Of course, aside from that, there were intervals when we suddenly talk about random things. I should thank her for sending me Hibird's Namimori song and Lambo's song.

Afternoon break, by that time, I was craving for ice cream. Just like during lunch, as long as it's not rice and meat, I'll eat and this time, I only want ice cream. I heard Ayyah's Reborn voice and I can't help but hit her because of the awesomeness. We invited Aina also, she's really smart 0.0 After everything, we decided to have a group study at my house on Tuesday. Excited for that, it will be my first time to have real visitors in my entire life. Kriselle didn't come but…Kriselle, if you are reading this, we were talking about you yesterday *evil laugh* Come with us on Tuesday!! Or else…you'll regret it *evil laugh* Kidding! Oh yeah! I haven't forgotten the lollipop I owe you XDD
I went home late with Aina. Ayyah's family came to eat there so Aina and I went home. That's another memorable hang-out for this summer. Next summer, I wish there will be more hangouts like this especially that I will not have to worry about CETs anymore. That ends this blog. Wo, I haven't written a blog for a long time XD