The excitement of ending a school year…it's just like waking up from a long nightmare and again...falling asleep when a school year begins. However, my last week was truly the final and the climax of that nightmare but this time, I just relied on fate to decide on which direction I would go to. I didn't study for my subjects for three days because the Bequeathals was scheduled on an exam day. It didn't even turn out fun and lively but…like the hell I'll care about that! It's ALMOST THE END, it's the ONLY thing I have to care about! The days after that turned out nice XD and so…the most awaited moment came when the hand of the clock pointed at exactly 12 P.M. IT'S SUMMER BABY! WOOT-
-but before that, I would give a tour to our small but memorable classroom XD
This is our usual neat classroom...

and this is the the person who won "The Person with the Messiest Area in Class"

End of School Year...VICTORY IS MINE!

The after school celebration wasn't that outlandish, but I'm happy just celebrating events at the mall as long as there's food. I was with the 2nd year girls and Sian.

For my personal celebration after getting cleared last Monday, I organized a photoshoot based from "The Freak Show" chorale of
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare on a theater production I watched. There are many reasons why I suddenly thought of doing an individual random shoot. First is because of the wig I saw in my closet. I certainly have no idea if there's an anime character who has such hair. It will be a waste if I don't use it in cosplay so I just based it on the crazy look of the people from "The Freak Show". Second, I'm in desperation for things I can put up in my gallery. I think that's quite understandable. Third, in order for me to celebrate and once again feel the cosplay feeling I haven't felt for a long time. You can view the outcome on my new account in

My dress is meant to look crazy and also is my make-up. I was really tired after especially that the weather is quite intense these days. Thanks to QueenOfSpades for bearing with my demands and my commands. Here's our lolz pic: (P.S.: The pic above is also lolz)

It's weird that after that, there are things that I will need help about.
+First, it was decided that our class's number for next year will be down to 4. I got terrified that more work will even be put on my shoulders and I don't how how I'll deal with that. Just imagine, if the latest I sleep is 4 A.M then what about if there will only be 4 of us? I'll sleep 5 A.M with 20 minutes to close my eyes and recharge? Or I'll never be able to sleep? O.O
+I'm really determined to write again but I just can't find myself to continue Sweet Harmony nor manage to start a new story or a one shot. That means I totally might have forgotten how to write. 0.0
+Money is a problem now that I'll have to buy my things for cosplay and I owe a lot to some people. 0.0
+When Sian texted me about when we'll be getting application, I realized that that's a big thing I have to worry about. I haven't contacted review centers and I really have no plans for college. I don't even know the course I'll take. 0.0
This summer, I see that I'll be really busy. I need sometime soon to organize these stuffs. *sighs*