*Post written on February 8, 2009 and published today, February 23, 2009|I.R week|
Cramming week for experiment, that's probably what I can call this week. All we did was experiment and experiment. There was a time when the whole class stayed up to 6: 30 to finish our I.R. The most traumatizing experience was staying up until morning doing the paper. The latest I slept was 4 A.M and I promise myself that if ever I would do I.R, I'll make sure I'll do it super early.
There were dramas on I.R, and it doesn't apply only to me but to others as well. Friendships have been put to test because of this. As for me, it's my irritation over my adviser. Since the beginning of I.R., he actually is not helping our group and he told me that he thinks our group can pull through without his help. I believe our I.R. is easier than the other group and I don't really care about that but...somehow, that irritates me. He actually did our results and observations but I failed to explain the equations he did because I'm not sure if I'm saying the right things I have to say.
During the presentation, it's my part that kinda destroyed the smoothness of the discussion. Even though I think we still need practice and a lot of sleep, we pulled through. I'm just hoping that if we can get in the Science Congress on February 17, I can do better.
That ends the I.R. for this year, and I hope God can save me next year. After the last Hell Week since school stated last January, I finally got a good sleep.
Sian and I were requested to be part of the GS scouting. It started after our I.R and continued until morning the next day. We assisted the patrol we were assigned to. I was assigned in this patrol which is not hard to handle for they can do things by themselves. I feel loved when I'm with them Yihee~ the 2 Koreans are really nice and the others as well. I can't forget that one of my children cried when she lost her handbook. LOLz, I can't imagine how my face looks like during that time ;P Most of them are bossy, spoiled and disrespectful, but I guess that that's their nature...? I noticed that when they were doing a craft activity and I was assigned to one craft. They annoyed me cause they just keep on shoving their shells in front me and simultaneously saying, "Can you do this?" I was like, "How many arms do they think I have?!!" I was also surprised that bullying is present among the kids. They even discriminate pure Filipinos and Koreans. Gawd~
The next day, I actually don't want to attend because my parents are going to Divisoria (I was planning to buy the cloth there for my costume) but I felt bad for my group, so I did attend. We hiked really far inside the village. I saw awesome English medieval houses and doll houses along the way. My jaw just dropped from seeing such awesome houses. I also saw this house named L-arc-en-ciel, the first thing that came to my head is the band ;P Our destination was a park and again, my eyes widened when I saw the place. It was huge, it has slopes with huge trees and also a creek. We hiked back and my feet were dying when I returned home.
|Cosplay preparations|
The date of our comeback is approaching. It was a little obvious that this is the only thing I do really early and I don't approve cramming on this one. After Scouting, I started my cosplay shopping, I tried out the contact lens in EO for they have the cheapest lens so far. With the cloth, I went to Metropolis but the people there recommended that I have to talk with the tailor first. I'm planning to buy the wig online but my problem here is the paypal card. I can only rely on Dani for that. I'm also looking for other options for the contact lens because 880 pesos is kinda expensive compared to 820 pesos. For this, I have to know how to use G-cash.
I'm really excited for our comeback and I hope things will go smoothly and perfectly.
|Bad Trip|
For today, I lost my long black socks again. This is the 2nd pair of socks that was lost and again, it is not my fault why it was lost. It suddenly disappears and it never shows itself again! Second, I was looking for my Art box and it's gone. I just found out that our new maid has it underneath her clothes. Darn!! After that I started writing this blog entry because I am not in a good mood anymore to do homeworks. DX