"Sometimes, better things could really happen in saying goodbye. Goodbye 2008!"The last month of the year. It is unbelievable that in another one year, my life would surely take the next step.
Surely, the beginning of this year gave a hell a lot of disasters. The last 3 months of my sophomore life is the "grand" entrance of 2008. Nothing but moments of despair is what I learned and I thought, "This year is gonna be a great disaster". But I never realized, I learned greatly from those experiences ^.^ My junior year is what I can call a rebound from the dark ages of my sophomore year. Though there's still flunctuations with everything in my life, I would not say that the despair from the beginning continued at the second half of the year. There's more little things I learned from continuing my junior year. I fought with people and I even detested friends, but that's just another part of life wherein learning is within it.
At the end of this year, I'm happy that there's no hate within my heart. I found my true friends, and even though there's a few of them, at least there are people who could play the role better than anyone. Celebrating my Christmas with my family is different this year. The importance and the "family bonding" of my family is surely awesome and it's just this year that I experienced prosperity and true happiness over small things happening inside one home.
Ending this year, I can conclude that I was blessed. Great new experiences and great memories with the people important to me is what I can call a blessing. 2008 brought me a change and I should be thankful that this year was great year because of the people around me. Let this be my chance to thank everyone for giving me a chance to experience this blessing.
To Mommy and Daddy: My tacit response to everything you've done probably will not be heard. But I want to tell that I'm glad that you were my parents. Thank you for the love and sacrifices you've done for me. May the both of you have a healthy new year!
To my sister: You'll always be the best buddy I ever had!~ Thank you for the happy moments we were in together! Even though you are not entirely perfect but I'm proud to have a sister like you! Thank you!
To my brother: There was never a year where we never fought. Even though I dislike you, I will not throw away the fact that you are my only brother and you are not always wrong at al times. Happy New Year!
To my relatives: I love you all and I won't be this happy when you guys were not there to support me! Thanks you!
To Sian: Thank you for being there despite the fact that you're my only teammate in class~ I hope a new year will make a great change to your life!
To Dani: You're really a person I can't forget. Even though I am not confident of me being a good friend to you. Let me make it up to you on the next year. You're a precious person to me and I hope that you'll never change! Thank you for being a great friend to me
To Kriselle: You're my best bestfriend and will always be my bestfriend. I'm really proud of how long we have been really friends and I hope that will last. Thank you for being a great part of this year! Good luck to you and also to us. lolz ^__^
To my teachers: I'm proud that there are teachers like you in the world who can support us in personal problems. I cannot find any understandable teachers like you and I thank you for sharing with me all the knowledge and the time!
To Ms. Alcantara: It's true that saying your name means hell. I went to a lot of infernos in your school but I'm still thankful that you gave me a chance to enter Montessori and giving me chances to grow up even more. I respect you despite that times when you're also wrong. You are worthy of my respect and I thank you because despite all the sermons you gave me, I still learned and grew up. You made a great change in my life and I thank you for that.
To the people who messed up my life: I hope a new year will give you time to think about yourselves. There's nothing for me to be sorru about except my judgements to you. I thank you that this year wasn't that perfect at all. Because if this year is perfect, then that will certainly be the end cause there's no room for changes.
This year made a great significance in my life and I welcome 2009. I hope that even greater experiences will come upon me as my senior life approaches. I wish all the best to the people I love and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! WELCOME 2009!