|Sunday: Cosmania|
I am aware of the school Hell week coming the next day but I'm pretty sure that I completed most of my requirements before the event. I rushed everything just to go to con and get the wig I bought.
Unfortunately, the wig wasn't bought. I think part of it is my fault because I keep on delaying the schedule of getting it. I wasn't surprised that much that the wig is gone but that really made me think so fast as to what I'm going to do with my hair. I wasn't cosplaying any character again because my costumes aren't returned.
First part is the boring part. The place is too small for me to walk normally and enjoy the things that are sold there. I bought a half mask which I regreted buying and I supported Tux team's business and I bought cat ears. I liked my make-up that day, I learned from my sister how to put eye shadows and how to put conceiler properly. I was thankful that the wig didn't make it or else I would walk home. Dani and I went out and I was just in one side taking pictures of people and asking some friends if I gained weight(for a number of times this time aside from Ate Jenny in Comic Alley), and definitely they said: "I wouldn't be able to recognize you if you weren't with Dani", "Ya, you REALLY gained weight", "Your face is much rounder" and so on. I symphatized myself for a while in one side and bored throughout. Dani keeps on inviting me to chat with her along with the Omerta but I am really shy because of how great they were and how normal I am (This sounds emo but that's how I really see things) and also how great they are in number. I randomly took pictures of people and I bought Code Geass R2. I was able to see Loon and Luna in person even though I didn't talk to them and Loon is kinda scary *.*
Second part, I had lunch with Omerta with the invitation of Essa. I met Ate El and she is really really nice. I am glad to meet someone like her who is awesome in cosplaying and a very kind person at the same time. I was able to see Omerta as a group of friends who are really bonded with each other as siblings. I was beside Ate Ash a.k.a Banana-sama probably because of her pervert-ish mind *grins*. Ka-chan is awesome in make-up (she cosplayed Shiki and I am really amazed by how she changed the texture and color of her face). Ate Shinji is really kind and she's probably the person I talked with in the Omerta. They are so fun to watch and I sat in this table where the total number of Omerta plus me, Essa and Ysabel is about 20.

This is the long table I'm talking about

Ate El and Kune stalked by me from behind

Awesomized by how Kune bullies Ysabel

Ate Ash/Banana-sama

Ysabel, Dani and Kune (the perfect Lolz pair), Loon, Luna
We went back after Lunch and most of us got seperated. I was with Dani, Essa, Ysabel, Kune and Rick. Dani and Kune are really cool by the way they lit up the mood on everything. They are so lolz.

Dani's new labs

Ysabel cosplaying Anne Curtis (Yes, she kinda resembles her)

Dani and Kune
I helped out with Tuxedo team in selling their shirts and this part was really so much fun. That made me feel useful and I'm happy to see the lolness of everyone. Kuya Rayson and Kuya Kiks were funny. Ysa is also lolz along with Dani and Kune. Ate El is awesome and Miguel is so pretty(lol). This time, I can feel how I'm becoming more comfortable around them except that I also want to be lolz sometimes, not just there to laugh. I still wasn't able to converse well with some but seeing the fun is enough for me to be happy ^^

The Dani-Miguel tradition

The whole gang

Lelouch(Ate El) doing the bad sign in a cool posing

I am now certified a genius in taking pictures. They didn't notice I took a picture of them and I was in front of them.

Madame Ysa
We went home because Dani and Ate Malou are not feeling well. They want to throw up. It was so much fun even though I mentioned at the first part that I want to go home because it was boring (...I have to finish the requirements I have to finish lalala since the wig wasn't here, there's no more objective and excuse for to be be here)but it's fine that I stayed even though the big amount of money I had was gone by the wind. I met a lot of people and I am really ashamed that they are so nice and kind and I don't talk to them much because of my stupid shyness *slaps myself* I went home wearing the costume except that I changed my boots in Dani's car. And with this so much fun, comes the school week disastrous than ever.
|Disastrous Hell Week|
This time it has disastrous with it, because it really were. I really believe that the load of requirements before I went to Cosmania is light and easy for me to finish because I'm against procastination by that time. Several new requirements just came in a blow and I am freaking serious that it's a LOT. I did the computer website thing which took me until 3 A.M. last Friday, only finding out that it's not a requirement *breaks glass*. I am pressured by so much things I have to do mainly on school and cosplay. I have to post the edited pictures immediately and at the same time do computer works for my reports, portfolios and stupid assignments
namely Health Several long tests were given on which I failed to review. There were surprise assignments given to me such as I have to give the speech to represent Ocenia for the Global Forum [when I asked why I was chosen, my teacher's reason is because I'm the highest in class. I am surprised and happy for the thought that I could also compete and win it]. I can't stay up too late from Monday-Wednesdays because I haven't had a good long sleep last Sunday because I went to Cosmania. I really can't do the stay-till-this-time-in-the-morning during those days because my eyes are freaking getting heavy. Aside from the damn requirements, I got invited by Ate Shinji to cosplay with Omerta which is a big surprise for me. I just thought of being part of their group and how I'll be an eyesore to them (I can't be cool and awesome) TT^TT Last Thursday, I stayed up to 4 A.M which gave me only an hour to sleep. I have no other choice but to abuse my own health to finish requirements which I unfortunately didn't finish. I can't just ignore the surprises when it comes to requirements. I swear, the requirements that gave me hell the most are the requirements given only this week and there are SEVERAL of them plus, the long tests were major (i.e. Math and 2 Chemistry long tests).
Last Friday, I got blisters for carelessly grabbing a pair of shoes last night, Thursday, I didn't try on
I needed sleep. I had STC with Sr. Alex and I found out several things about him. I also clarrified some things with him such as my Music teacher simply hates me. I can very well see that, I didn't understand anything last time, I told him I don't get it then he didn't care and just gave a quiz (Sorry if my mind's to sleepy to understand things). I got zero and I asked if I could have a make up quiz and he just ignored me. Like last time when he asked for the people who are going to audition, it didn't hurt me that I wasn't part of the production because I don't like working with him if he doesn't like me. Sir Alex also gave me a deadline to make up with Kelvin.
|Last week's report|
Last week, because of too much things to do, I wasn't able to update my blog but there are some useful things I have to say. Health, which is the subject I hate the most along with the teacher, really pissed me off when I got my mid-quarte exams. I got a zero for assignments on which I am the very first person to always submit assignments. I am glad that it's not only me but also Justin who is also a responsible person. Friday last, last week, we complained to him and he said that the moment he wrote that is when he haven't checked the assignments yet. Then how come has a score for assignments? I hate it when people have favorite students. Just because Sian looks like a person who does requirements (Opinion of which I can say is not that much and she admits it) and is so good in speaking(FACT), teachers will be so nice to her while they will not notice the others (me) who are working very hard. Another thing, Kelvin and I had a cold fight because...*I will point at him.* Since last year, he would get mad at me for no reason. I know I am the bully for his beloved Justin but I know that Justin knows that I am just joking and Kelvin...I don't know if he understands what a joke is. He is insensitive in a way that he doesn't know he's pissing off people because of his damn moods. I am not someone who would do something to start a fight but he's just the type. I said something last last Monday like, "It's not only Japanese who are cosplying" take note that I just replied to him while I was writing down something, I don't have any I'm-so-pissed attitude then he just got mad, "Sorry, I don't know that!" I was like WTF? he really is like that ever since and it really pissed me off that time. I know I'm not such a person nice enough to be the very best friend. I am not good with friends either, I meet them but I fail to keep them which results me being pathetic on everything. I would understand if I know the reason but a person as annoying as he is...I really don't know where I could walk on his dimension. I just hate meeting people who are giving me a hard time because of their stupid insensitivity.
Anyways, next week, SEMBREAK *yosha*, I would be doing non-report posts of plans and rants. I really can't wait to live again. Anyways, this is random, last Saturday I had this It's-summer-feeling and I enjoyed it. That's the feeling I'm getting every summer and I'm happy^^