|August 15, 2008|
The last subject for exams week is Filipino, that's why I feel so so free already. I hitched with Dani to her house since I'll sleep over at her house. Roni came to her house also so that we'll go all together to Sian's house. We went to ATC to buy materials and then went to Timezone.

I suck at games, really especially DDR. I really wonder why I'm not gifted with skills at those things. After, we went to Sian's house to do our ANBU mask. Umm... I helped a little because I'm using the computer...but later on helped ;P Pictures will be posted to Multiply soon after the editing of Dani's pics. We had a little photoshoot which is not connected to anything...just LOLz and WTF? poses. We had about 3-4 videos but because my computer really can't accept the videos no matter how hard I tried, I have no choice but to delete it from my brother's camera.
Here are some pics:

Eating time...

The epic pic...

Lelouch and C.C trial poses...(right?)

Roni and I

The Waffuu poses^^
We went home by 6:00 P.M to Dani's house. Dani and I watched Cromartie High School. That is such a LOLz anime, the story can't be explained and it's really just weird. That's why I like that anime, I like randomness. I also saw the video of the 3rd place group cosplayer of the 2008 World Cosplay Competition. They cosplayed Lelouch and Suzaku. Their presentation is awesome, I like Lelouch's entrance, the choreography and the rose part at the end! But ya, the background music wasn't fit and the kissing scenes were not appropriate. Speaking of Code Geass, we watched Code Geass before we go to sleep. ^^