There were actually lots of things to do but I really can't believe that all I did was sleep, eat and watch T.V
Oh yeah! I finished Gravitation! I started it Saturday morning and finished by Satuday after lunch! That's just so cool! I was really taken by the good story of it! I love the attitude of Shuichi and Ryuichi, they are just so uberly cute! I really can't believe that I watched a shounen ai anime! But seriously, shounen ai is good :3 And about Yuki, -_- I have no comment, I'm neutral, he's fine.
I used the computer till midnight since I have the confindence to use it without any "Dragon's invasion" since his friends are waiting outside the house. I randomly searched for my current favorite cosplayer, Kin and I just found myself browsing through this cosplay forum. Finally, after all the efforts I did to look for Kin, I found him, but not the formal photoshoots though. There's a lot of cosplayers that are so good in Taiwan and Hongkong. They are usually the one that can be found in photobucket when you search for cosplayers, they're the awesome ones that you can't help but wonder if they're humans or not. And! And! The mysterious doll-like cosplayer on my ym avatar! I found her! She really is mysterious, I didn't get any concrete data of her about her name, where she came from, or any websites that she can be in!! She's really mysterious and good, damnit! Her cosplay name is the Doll Lady, and all her costumes are original! That is just so amazing!
Here are some of the pictures of the cosplayers I identified:

The Doll Lady... simply amazing


MinYe (Gawd, people are not sure of this person's real gender. The very first time I saw this person, it's a she until I saw some replies that MinYe is a he O.o)

Azumi Kirishima (ya *insert hearts here*)
There are more cosplayers that are so amazing! I haven't even posted pics of Kin and Stay yet! *insert hearts here again* I wish I could just evolve to someone like them who are so amazing -_-
Anyways, the fun part before I ended my surfing session is that I didn't forget to visit the Hotline to Hell to type the name of my school head TWICE! ^^
I got the courage to start memorizing my speech in Filipino. Gawd, I don't like memorizing! It really hurts when I use my throat so much! DX SO last Sunday, I barely speak because just a little memorizing really hurts already. I wonder why my throat doesn't hurt when I talk to much (?.?) My brother's friends are at the house and it kinda annoyed me cause they used all the appliances at the same time. I actually don't like seeing all the appliances opened at the same time which are used for soooo loooong. It annoys me, especially that the show they're watching is basketball. After they used everything, I used the computer and randomly did things. I chatted with Dan Mediola, a new friend I met in YM, who put me in the hot seat which is kinda weird and...fine and normal at the same time. I continued browsing through the cosplay forum and got more amazed ^^ this is because I'm waiting for my classmate to go online to help me with my Chemistry lab report and at the end, he didn't help me. But anyways, browsing through that site is worthy^^
Time to go to sleep but I can't sleep because my head hurts until I played some happy songs from my MP4 (I feel like it). Then, I looked at the window beside my bed and saw something trying to crawl up then went down. Something like a snake? *0* I sat up and closed the window to lock the snake inside. I really looked closely at the glass window and ya, it's head is standing!!!!! DXXXX I started talking in a childish voice for some unknown reasons and said
"Ate, may ahas" Then, we both ran out of the door, with me, announcing to the whole house about the snake beside my bed!! My brother's friends were the one who rescued me and they killed the snake! Gwd, the snake is a teenager size (The not-yet-adult-size, but big enough to scare me)! I was just screaming everytime that the snake will almost fall to my bed but I was thankful that it didn't and they got it out of the window. It was really sad for the snake because I saw the way it was killed, I even got a little sad and tyrant when I saw the blood stains at the window, I feel sorry for the snake. After they killed the snake, they left it at the my neighbor's car's dashboard which is really so funny ^^
I still fell guilty somehow...-_-