I'm dying from a lot of work TT^TT. Really, I'm tired already, everyday's the same and it's just that I can't help but pity myself from the backaches, headaches and stomachaches I'm experiencing everyday. Gahh~
[See? It's always Thursday] I wonder why this day is the day when I'm getting annoyed at someone, or some people? And it's really sad that those people are people that I think I cannot hate. The first one is someone that I cannot identify to this unprotected site and the other one...I think it's just that I really got annoyed with her ym status. Probably because I think she's right or half right. If your status is always "DO NOT DISTURB OR DISTURB OR DIE" then what's the use of your ym? And thinking that my status is always Do NOT DISTURB then I have top right to defend why I always put that status right? It's okay to comment like that but I just want to say that if possible, don't be that
blunt in saying that. There are reasons behind that and my main reason is I don't plan to talk to anyone about "how are you blah blah" since it's a school day, day for assignments and the only people that can chat with me are classmates or people from school. That's just that, that's why my ym still has a worth and ym is not only for friendly chats, keep that in mind.
I made a private account in LJ and the reasons why I made that account is a secret. bwahahahaha! ;P
We watched Romeo and Juliet play in Assumption College, Makati. The school is awesome, the food is awesome, the play is awesome and the road trip is fantastic. We had problems with the sitting arrangements since I really can't see anything from where I was originally sitting, so Ms. Rosales called me and told me to sit with her. 0.0 I was awefully quiet for the whole play and also I felt awkward *0* We went back at the time I wasn't expecting. We went back super early and that means I have to join the sportsfest. I went emo for the whole sportsfest probably because I'm tired, there are girls I saw in Assumption who are so pretty and I most likely got jealous of them, and it pissed me off that I don't have jogging pants which is the thing needed to join the sportsfest. I also felt sad because of people who have this personality that I hate most. Unforntunatey, they're my friends who are so mean to people they haven't even talked with. I hate that. I don't listen to my friends who are saying that because at first, I think they are really wrong. They haven't even met that person then they will just judge that person easily, that's why the world is like this, people live to just judge people dogmatically as if they know that person entirely, Grr!

I finished TRC by 3 A.M the next day. It's fine, I don't understand why people say this anime is an epic(meaning long, boring and corny), it's an okay anime. Chaos is hot *hearts* I don't know, but I really miss animes. TT^TT I also went emo again because it's really been a long time since I last cosplayed and made a costume. I'm gaining some money but, "Too many characters to cosplay, not too much money" TT^TT
This is the day for cosplayers and I have no idea if you guys know these people o.O There are also different topics after all the cosplay things.
+The Doll Lady

OH GOD! I identified her real name! Her name is Mu Ye Yan/ Mu Ye Wu Yan, she's from China and she's really a cool cosplayer. She's still young! Woot!
+Minye, Karum and Akuna

Umm, MinYe is actually my favorite. I also like Karum and Akuna. Since, I got to know them through forums and pictures, I accidentally found out about their personal lives. These guys live in Taiwan and I just found out that they are friends. They have this relationship problem and there are some stealings that happened and the bad person here is MinYe.

Umm..I know that I have no right to even tell this story, but I'm just a little concerned since it's MinYe, my favorite cosplayer. People can destroy people through stories whether it be true or not. But just like my "personal code", even if people will tell you this and that about that person, you can just judge a person when you talk with that person. Even though she's rumored badly, she'll still be my favorite :)

Ya, I was so amazed by Stay. I also liked her cosplay partner, Hanako. But for some reasons, if I'll continue seeing her face I think I would be bored since most of her pictures have the same expression, only different costumes. She's still cool and her aura when I see her pics in the net is really "perfection" and friendly.
This is the all-star cast of cosplayers. I think this group is composed of the amazing cosplayers in Taiwan. Minye, Karum, and Akuna are part of this group. I just don't know about Stay, Mao, and Naoki. I found cosplayers that look exactly like the character they're cosplaying and they're really amazing. My cosplayers album is getting full already because there's really a lot. Oh yeah, and I got all the links of those famous cosplayers.
+Special A
I really love this anime/manga. I got pissed with the anime because YouTube loads slowly, so I read the manga instead. I love the romance of this manga! I love Kei and I love how stupid Hikari is. Even though a person(referring to Yahiro) is introduced as a bad character, they still have human reasons for being a villain, but that doesn't mean that I like Yahiro already. Wa~ and they kissed again and Hikari thought of all the kissing thing as Kei's revenge. OMG. Waaa~~~ *runs*
Sunday, I was really working my ass off to finish my Beowulf report. I'm really dead nervous because I don't have a book when Ms. Rosales said that we should read the book, and she said that angrily. I'm almost crying that I keep on ranting and hoping that classes would be suspended. Then, by around 10:30 P.M yesterday, my wish is granted. I actually can't believe it! God heard me! The Chemistry long test, SC Meeting and Beowulf report would probably be scheduled next week! HOHOHOHOHO! I actually need that no classes day to complete all my requirements so that I won't cram before the exams. Wa! Super thanks God!