Activities...cancelled and more weird things
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Mode: This is such a weird week. I do say that the meanings of my dreams from weeks ago are truly applying for this week. WARNING: Long entry! |Antagonism of Art| Last Tuesday, I went to Dani's house to do the props for her Watanuki cosplay for Yaoi Con. It was unexpected, it wasn't planned before and it was only planned on that day. Sian and I went and the feeling of weirdness got in. I knew that among all of my current friends, I am the one who could only support their awesome arts because I am not gifted with such, and even reaching the point that I referred to myself as "Art Antagonist". I didn't contibute that much except for documenting and playing the bike-like thing and staring at them working. I'm useless when it comes to art. |Consecutive Meetings| Last Thursday, I was busy doing meetings everywhere, writing reports and thinking of ideas of how to organize the meetings. It's really hard that the people of the higher positions in SC are gone. Being the 3rd in rank, I feel responsible for the meetings that day. Starting 2 P.M, I had a mass meeting with the Grade School and I was grateful that Anya(Vice Chairman) was there and I just have to help out with her in facilitating and at the same time, take down the minutes. After that meeting is the meeting of SC, Parliament and Presidents for the school celebration next week. I was the one organizing that time, it was scary that I might miss out somethings and get "boljak" the day after. I was thankful that my other classmates are with me because I'm not very skillful in communicating. I figured that I was nervous that time because I can see through the results of everything we planned. After the meeting, I had another meeting with the SC for our symbolic offering and all I did there was help out again and take down minutes. That day, I kinda see through the things that will happen to us next year. |Mixed emotions and Adventurous Morning| Early in the morning, I already got pissed to the highest level. I have to go to school early because I have a part for the Filipino Culminating Activity. My morning schedule was planned well: I have to be in school 30 minutes before the program to have my last minute practice BUT because of that stupid FX ride, I was 10 minutes late! I rode a blue-green FX and I had bad feelings about that. When we're almost near the end of Daang Hari-Alabang, the car turned back because there are police at the end of Daang Hari and because the car is colorrum, it will do the possible ways to escape from the police. My heart dropped when the car turned, it took me about 10 minutes to regain myself. We entered Katarungan Village, got lost, found ourselves riding along this grassy area, soon realized that we passed by Bilibid prison, heard that we were in Poblacion, noticed that we're in San Pedro, twitched when we were in SLEX and got extremely mad when our final destination was Festival! I'm supposed to be dropped off in ATC! And by that time we reached Festival, it was aleady 7:00 A.M, 20 more minutes or I'll be late. I took the jeep to ATC and took another jeep to get inside the village. I spent extra 14 pesos! Grr! When I arrived, it was already 7:30 A.M, and luckily, I don't have to go to the bathroom to change to a baro't say, instead I just have to put it on because I already wore the inside garments going to school. I was messed up so much and my Filipino teacher almost cried when I wasn't there yet. I was able to recite my speech well and I was happy. I was the only person who went to stage alone and that kinda made me proud, at least I know, my stage fright lessened back to the time when I was in Grade 7. |A Kage-bunshin| This also happened last Friday, after the activity, I suddenly heard stories from the 2nd year girls. They told me that they saw me 15 minutes before the activity started. They saw me inside the room reading a folder, sitting at my desk, wearing the baro't saya I was wearing and they even told me that I looked up to them and did the "Halaaaa" sign. I got scared because...WHO WOULDN'T BE SCARED OF THAT?! They are dead serious while my expression is, "You're kidding, right?" That was one thing I was scared from the time I was a kid. Starting from the time I watched a documentation about dopplegangers in MGB, I already assured that that's something I have to worry about. The symptoms of having a doppleganger applies to me. Honestly, I usually talk like there's someone with me when I'm alone and that's the main thing that will create any doppleganger. I thought that having a doppleganger would not apply to me until that story came up. I am actually scared now of looking at myself in front of the mirror. It also troubles me...because I remembered from that documentation that the main goal of the doppleganger is to take over the original person it's made from. That is scary and I don't want to see my another person who would confront me with the same eyes as I have. |Boljak| Like what I felt, everything we planned wasn't successful. My thoughts are correct then and my efforts and everything were wasted. I feel responsible for everything and it kinda disappointed me that she didn't give us a chance but instead gave the planning and stuffs to the council of presidents. That discouraged me to run for another election because if that's how things would be like when I'm managing, it would be better to just shut up. I am not good in communicating that's why all the things I thought I said correctly are wronged and the worst part, I don't even know where I went wrong. |DVD and old friends| Saturday. My DVD sickness is getting worse. So, after I heard that my Aunt will go to San Pedro, I immediately went to her house so I can go down without commuting. We have to pick my cousin in SMIS and then go down to have a haircut. I really don't intend to visit because I'm quite conscious of showing myself to them, my only goal is to buy any DVD. SO there, we were at SMIS and I really don't like anyone to identify me so I put on sun glasses. Since my aunt really got annoyed that my cousin is not coming out yet, she forced me to go down and ask for him. I was frustrated, I mean, not that I don't want to see them, I actually wanted to see them but I don't want them to see me. I peaked on the small gate and without me knowing that there would be people there, I freaked out when I saw my old schoolmates, Paul and Christian and some other people chilling out there and they saw me. I ran back to the car and finally my cousin went out. When he opened the door...he just called the attention of all of my schoolmates saying that I'm there. GRRRR! So, I was dragged out of the car by my cousin and I really have no choice but to greet them. I was skipping then just waved and I'm not sure if everybody recognize me anymore. I quickly went away due to the sudden tension I received, I haven't been around a big number of people lately...that's why. So there, after the haircut thing, I proceeded to the DVD kingdom in San Pedro, I saw my old schoolmates there, and that gave me another tension. I wasn't able to focus on DVD hunting that much since they are stand by in front of the DVD part! O-O So, without full search for DVD, I just bought Peacemaker from the only DVD section available by that time. OoO |Mangas| +Bitter Virgin Wai~ It's finished already! The ending is not correct, I mean if they are not sure how long their relationship will last then the mangaka must at least have some extras or another season to show how their lives went...right? +Special A I just realized that both Onemanga and Mangafox are way tooooooo late!! I found out that the current chapter of S.A is already Chapter 87 with Chapter 88 recently released. Translators probably are having a hard time but...translations are the only thing needed to release the chapters publicly, right? Wa~ the chapter in Mangafox is only until Chapter 54...-.- But, But, the site I went to has the cool summaries of the next chapters and add to that that it has some manga pages as well. Even when it's summarized, I really can't help but squeal so much! Everyone has pairings already, even though it's kinda corny but it rocks like hell! Kei is freaking romantic that I could die! And and! There's a triangle between Kei, Hikari and this new guy who looks like Kei by the name, Tokiwa! Waaa~~ TTuTT I'm looking forward to Chapter 88, the triangle would really be seen, Waaa~~ I need the summaries soon! I'll rant about the anime. I managed to see the anime because of my curiosity. I appreciate that they got S.A to an anime but it's just really wrong especially for a fan like me that they combined several chapters into one episode...which is really wrong because first of all, the characters that are supposed to be there and here are different, the parts that I liked the most are deleted or better, wasn't included at all, some parts that are not supposed to be there were added and the timeline of the anime is confusing. Okay, stop right there. I'll rant about the status of my pairing ranking. SasuxSaku pairing is officially my second and KeixHikari is the *insert hearts* best for me. For about 4 years, SasukexSakura is my No.1 but S.A rocks my world so much that I can't concentrate anymore on anything.  +Gakuen Alice I would like to thank Haeizel from I.U for hyperventilating me with her selected Gakuen Alice chapters. o.o Waaa~ They kissed already (Refers to MikanxNatsume and MikanxLuca-pyon) Waaa~ I want them to reserve that when they're a little older because they are so damn young! What do 10 year-old kids know about love and hormones?! I decided to have this as the next manga I have to be updated with, they are way to matured by the way they act and I hate it that they don't even grow in the manga +New hot manga people that you ought to know (and they are mine)
 Sei, the hottest Shinigami on a Tuxedo
 Shoei Jinnou
 Haha, Kei Takashima, the most romantic boyfriend ever (the guy beside him is Tokiwa)
+Others Wa~ I am obsessed with mangas right now, mostly shoujo mangas. I feel bored reading shounen mangas...ya, too girly. |HAPPY BIRTHDAY| HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATE KATRINAYou are so old already! HAHA! I will get fat I swear, I ate a lot! GRR!
Kaichou wa Maid-sama Manga [CD]
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Shugo Chara! Doki!
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Pandora Hearts
TRC Shunraiki
Gintama 100+
Euphemia Britannia|Code Geass
Alexiel|Angel Sanctuary
Lal Mirch|Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Benten|Zone 00
Misaki(Maid)|Kaichou-wa Maid sama
Dia|Shugo Chara
Alice|Heart no Kuni no Alice
Friederike|Ludwig Revolution
?|Dream of Doll
Blonde Wig
Successful Ulzzang Outtake
Dark Alice [Dark Lolita] Photoshoot
Get a facial 8D
Grow taller
Ball-jointed Doll
Portable DVD Player
Fashion Things
MP4 Player
SanDisk 16 GB USB
Nintendo DS
New Laptop
Make-up Kit *Kriselle and Tita
Accessories (Necklace and Hair)
New Arm Warmers
Circle Lens
Red Contact Lens
Teddy Bear (The huggable one which is not sitting down)
Trademark Necklace
Huge Earphones
Enchanted Kingdom Again
F10 reunion
After-grad Retreat
Activities...cancelled and more weird things
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Mode: This is such a weird week. I do say that the meanings of my dreams from weeks ago are truly applying for this week. WARNING: Long entry! |Antagonism of Art| Last Tuesday, I went to Dani's house to do the props for her Watanuki cosplay for Yaoi Con. It was unexpected, it wasn't planned before and it was only planned on that day. Sian and I went and the feeling of weirdness got in. I knew that among all of my current friends, I am the one who could only support their awesome arts because I am not gifted with such, and even reaching the point that I referred to myself as "Art Antagonist". I didn't contibute that much except for documenting and playing the bike-like thing and staring at them working. I'm useless when it comes to art. |Consecutive Meetings| Last Thursday, I was busy doing meetings everywhere, writing reports and thinking of ideas of how to organize the meetings. It's really hard that the people of the higher positions in SC are gone. Being the 3rd in rank, I feel responsible for the meetings that day. Starting 2 P.M, I had a mass meeting with the Grade School and I was grateful that Anya(Vice Chairman) was there and I just have to help out with her in facilitating and at the same time, take down the minutes. After that meeting is the meeting of SC, Parliament and Presidents for the school celebration next week. I was the one organizing that time, it was scary that I might miss out somethings and get "boljak" the day after. I was thankful that my other classmates are with me because I'm not very skillful in communicating. I figured that I was nervous that time because I can see through the results of everything we planned. After the meeting, I had another meeting with the SC for our symbolic offering and all I did there was help out again and take down minutes. That day, I kinda see through the things that will happen to us next year. |Mixed emotions and Adventurous Morning| Early in the morning, I already got pissed to the highest level. I have to go to school early because I have a part for the Filipino Culminating Activity. My morning schedule was planned well: I have to be in school 30 minutes before the program to have my last minute practice BUT because of that stupid FX ride, I was 10 minutes late! I rode a blue-green FX and I had bad feelings about that. When we're almost near the end of Daang Hari-Alabang, the car turned back because there are police at the end of Daang Hari and because the car is colorrum, it will do the possible ways to escape from the police. My heart dropped when the car turned, it took me about 10 minutes to regain myself. We entered Katarungan Village, got lost, found ourselves riding along this grassy area, soon realized that we passed by Bilibid prison, heard that we were in Poblacion, noticed that we're in San Pedro, twitched when we were in SLEX and got extremely mad when our final destination was Festival! I'm supposed to be dropped off in ATC! And by that time we reached Festival, it was aleady 7:00 A.M, 20 more minutes or I'll be late. I took the jeep to ATC and took another jeep to get inside the village. I spent extra 14 pesos! Grr! When I arrived, it was already 7:30 A.M, and luckily, I don't have to go to the bathroom to change to a baro't say, instead I just have to put it on because I already wore the inside garments going to school. I was messed up so much and my Filipino teacher almost cried when I wasn't there yet. I was able to recite my speech well and I was happy. I was the only person who went to stage alone and that kinda made me proud, at least I know, my stage fright lessened back to the time when I was in Grade 7. |A Kage-bunshin| This also happened last Friday, after the activity, I suddenly heard stories from the 2nd year girls. They told me that they saw me 15 minutes before the activity started. They saw me inside the room reading a folder, sitting at my desk, wearing the baro't saya I was wearing and they even told me that I looked up to them and did the "Halaaaa" sign. I got scared because...WHO WOULDN'T BE SCARED OF THAT?! They are dead serious while my expression is, "You're kidding, right?" That was one thing I was scared from the time I was a kid. Starting from the time I watched a documentation about dopplegangers in MGB, I already assured that that's something I have to worry about. The symptoms of having a doppleganger applies to me. Honestly, I usually talk like there's someone with me when I'm alone and that's the main thing that will create any doppleganger. I thought that having a doppleganger would not apply to me until that story came up. I am actually scared now of looking at myself in front of the mirror. It also troubles me...because I remembered from that documentation that the main goal of the doppleganger is to take over the original person it's made from. That is scary and I don't want to see my another person who would confront me with the same eyes as I have. |Boljak| Like what I felt, everything we planned wasn't successful. My thoughts are correct then and my efforts and everything were wasted. I feel responsible for everything and it kinda disappointed me that she didn't give us a chance but instead gave the planning and stuffs to the council of presidents. That discouraged me to run for another election because if that's how things would be like when I'm managing, it would be better to just shut up. I am not good in communicating that's why all the things I thought I said correctly are wronged and the worst part, I don't even know where I went wrong. |DVD and old friends| Saturday. My DVD sickness is getting worse. So, after I heard that my Aunt will go to San Pedro, I immediately went to her house so I can go down without commuting. We have to pick my cousin in SMIS and then go down to have a haircut. I really don't intend to visit because I'm quite conscious of showing myself to them, my only goal is to buy any DVD. SO there, we were at SMIS and I really don't like anyone to identify me so I put on sun glasses. Since my aunt really got annoyed that my cousin is not coming out yet, she forced me to go down and ask for him. I was frustrated, I mean, not that I don't want to see them, I actually wanted to see them but I don't want them to see me. I peaked on the small gate and without me knowing that there would be people there, I freaked out when I saw my old schoolmates, Paul and Christian and some other people chilling out there and they saw me. I ran back to the car and finally my cousin went out. When he opened the door...he just called the attention of all of my schoolmates saying that I'm there. GRRRR! So, I was dragged out of the car by my cousin and I really have no choice but to greet them. I was skipping then just waved and I'm not sure if everybody recognize me anymore. I quickly went away due to the sudden tension I received, I haven't been around a big number of people lately...that's why. So there, after the haircut thing, I proceeded to the DVD kingdom in San Pedro, I saw my old schoolmates there, and that gave me another tension. I wasn't able to focus on DVD hunting that much since they are stand by in front of the DVD part! O-O So, without full search for DVD, I just bought Peacemaker from the only DVD section available by that time. OoO |Mangas| +Bitter Virgin Wai~ It's finished already! The ending is not correct, I mean if they are not sure how long their relationship will last then the mangaka must at least have some extras or another season to show how their lives went...right? +Special A I just realized that both Onemanga and Mangafox are way tooooooo late!! I found out that the current chapter of S.A is already Chapter 87 with Chapter 88 recently released. Translators probably are having a hard time but...translations are the only thing needed to release the chapters publicly, right? Wa~ the chapter in Mangafox is only until Chapter 54...-.- But, But, the site I went to has the cool summaries of the next chapters and add to that that it has some manga pages as well. Even when it's summarized, I really can't help but squeal so much! Everyone has pairings already, even though it's kinda corny but it rocks like hell! Kei is freaking romantic that I could die! And and! There's a triangle between Kei, Hikari and this new guy who looks like Kei by the name, Tokiwa! Waaa~~ TTuTT I'm looking forward to Chapter 88, the triangle would really be seen, Waaa~~ I need the summaries soon! I'll rant about the anime. I managed to see the anime because of my curiosity. I appreciate that they got S.A to an anime but it's just really wrong especially for a fan like me that they combined several chapters into one episode...which is really wrong because first of all, the characters that are supposed to be there and here are different, the parts that I liked the most are deleted or better, wasn't included at all, some parts that are not supposed to be there were added and the timeline of the anime is confusing. Okay, stop right there. I'll rant about the status of my pairing ranking. SasuxSaku pairing is officially my second and KeixHikari is the *insert hearts* best for me. For about 4 years, SasukexSakura is my No.1 but S.A rocks my world so much that I can't concentrate anymore on anything.  +Gakuen Alice I would like to thank Haeizel from I.U for hyperventilating me with her selected Gakuen Alice chapters. o.o Waaa~ They kissed already (Refers to MikanxNatsume and MikanxLuca-pyon) Waaa~ I want them to reserve that when they're a little older because they are so damn young! What do 10 year-old kids know about love and hormones?! I decided to have this as the next manga I have to be updated with, they are way to matured by the way they act and I hate it that they don't even grow in the manga +New hot manga people that you ought to know (and they are mine)
 Sei, the hottest Shinigami on a Tuxedo
 Shoei Jinnou
 Haha, Kei Takashima, the most romantic boyfriend ever (the guy beside him is Tokiwa)
+Others Wa~ I am obsessed with mangas right now, mostly shoujo mangas. I feel bored reading shounen mangas...ya, too girly. |HAPPY BIRTHDAY| HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATE KATRINAYou are so old already! HAHA! I will get fat I swear, I ate a lot! GRR!