|Monday Crap|
The others who went to Iloilo are supposed to be back but I was surprised when I arrived in school, 3/6 was the attendance. Only me with the 2 new students, I actually was in a terrible mood because of the emotional stress I had regarding Iloilo. The day was boring except for Chemistry. We were advanced in subjects and they missed a lot of things (indirect revenge?). I really hated what happened that day and I have to attend as a proxy for my 2 absent classmates for a meeting with Ms. A. That gave me a huge headache and I went home really late. Darn.
Another crap is the Reasons: Unleashed thing in IU. Just thinking of that post makes me laugh. I posted a long reaction blog in Xanga, considered that worst blog in terms of being evil to someone. Only trusted friends can view it but I am happy of what I mentioned there but I am not yet satisfied. I'm simply evil when situations like those are existing and pestering other people.
|Twisted feelings|
School again. I was quiet for the next days after Monday and got myself back on Thursday. I was irritated at everyone for no reason except for the people in class, I know why and it's just me who has a problem. I don't get why people will absent themselves and rely on people for the things they missed. Honestly, I don't like lending stuffs to people especially if that will save them. I was never absent that's why I'm saying that, but if I'll be absent, I don't know, if I saved them then fine. I don't know but I really feel irritated. I never smiled to the people in class, I don't lend a hand most of the time, I don't make eye contacts with them and I'm simply silent.
Parents. At the moment I wake up they will call to ask things they can figure out themselves "Why this? Why that? Remove this? Why Why?" What the hell!! I am tired of answering stupid questions that my dad keeps on asking for so long! I am sick of it! Everytime I'm there, I would always be called for stupid tasks and questions, regardless where I am, regardless of how worn out I am from school, regardless of the moment I'm cramming for assignments. I want to leave this freaking house! I am tired of being called all the time! Another thing, nobody believes me when I say that "I don't know". They are asking me questions about things I never encountered, "Where is the bond paper, why did you put it here, where where, how do you do this? You're the one who put that here right?" What the hell, what am I? A computer help office assistant, St. Anthony, or a guy who loves messing up the house? Why do they think I know everything? When I honestly don't know something, they would get mad, they think I'm lying. They would ask me for things when I wasn't here most of the time because of school. Random things would come out from their mouth like you put this here right? WWWTTTTFFF!!!!!! WHERE THE HELL I AM MOST OF THE TIME? How am I suppose to put things here and there! I don't like stupid people who assume something stupid such as that simple thing. I don't look like someone who would mess up the house because of my stuffs. It's just-----WTF?!
|Half Day|
Last Friday is half day and I got several plans to do for that half day. I went to buy things I need for school and instead of buying personal necessities, I bought Bleach Movie: The Diamond Dust Rebellion. It's been a long time since I visited Comic Alley and I thought that it would be a good time to ask for my weight. Ate Jenny was gloomy when I visited and I'm happy that she can still respond to my girly questions. Just like what I thought, I gained weight and she also told me that I got dark. I noticed that the pattern of how I eat is becoming abnormal. I eat a lot already, every hour I'll eat so it's a big thing for me if I gained weight and dark. I had rules to loose weight and get my normal skin color again. It's such a pain but I really have to stay fit before the photoshoot(?). I hope by a week, I would be able to achieve the weight I want.
|Hell Week Coming|
Oh yes, it's the week before the Hell Week and I'll go to a con on Oct. 12. My hands are tired and I have to run there and here to start my research paper and finish everything before I attend a con. It's a good thing that our I.R will not be repeated but I just don't understand why I agreed to make scripts for the play, it's another pain. I'm happy that there was still no SC because I would be more stressed. *sigh* I'll start randomizing from here. Jigoku Shoujo 3: Mitsuganae was released yesterday and I'm reading the awesome Ludwig Kakumei. Another manga I'll fangirl over. I have to start making money for several costumes I want to have and my account will rise once again.