School-Internet-No Friendly Talks-Homeworks. Probably the reason I and the others find me boring.
Late report since I'm fixing up so many things. One reason is also the fact that I barely remember all that happened to me last week. It was rather depressing that I loaded myself with work and that's how it turned out, surprising but I really can't remember things that happened before I.R.
|Investigative Report|
I am happy that our I.R for this year is a great success. We defended and answered the questions asked. The preparation is awesome because we didn't cram at all this year, probably this is thanks to Ms. Alex who really helps out in everything. We received our I.R papers back from the judges, the two papers are clean and the other paper only has minor questions that we could have answered if those were asked. We didn't repeat our I.Rs, and that's a great success.
|Friday Gloominess|
And so the two of my classmates were gone to Iloilo. The deepness of my opinion about the issue I mentioned in my xanga is the beginning part of the day. Gloomy, sad and much more pressured to answer all the questions of the teachers. After the day, I wanted to have a sad window shopping session and that's what happened. I celebrated the success of my I.R and just watch people in the mall.

Mangas really don't fail to make me smile even just for a while. I finished reading Godchild and it's really more than just awesome. The author's idea of the Tarot Cards, the gory scenes, shounen-ai, poisons, misery, cool 19th century costumes, the twists, betrayals, lessons, and additional learnings is incredibly constructed. The part of Riff's betrayal is sad but I'm amazed how Cain handled the situation, though he really looked helpless sometimes. The ending is very good, the way they died together and a picture of a grown up Merryweather as the head of the Heargreaves(?). I actually expected and believed that Cain might be dead but that thought would not come to any possibility because he'll be back sometime, but I can't believe it! He's really dead TT.TT I also browsed through the Cain Saga but I didn't like how the characters were drawn, the weight difference is the glaringly obvious. The manga of Godchild is really one I can say has the best drawing along with Angel Sanctuary. The story is really amazing, I like how the Cain from the Bible was elaborated. The mangas bring a lot of feelings while I'm reading it but I found it professional because those feelings were balanced. If I have more energy, I'll probably make an informal review of Godchild. hehe^^