I have no classes today because of our school holiday, hehehe. This post consists of reviews since I feel like blogging today, the 1st of September. Oh, and I would be having a new box at the left side for my wishlist *grins*
|OLIVIA inspi' REIRA(Trapnest)|

This is the main reason of my mode right now. She is really amazing. I don't know why my fangirl spirits are high again even though I already liked OLIVIA ever since I watched NANA a year ago. Her voice is really beatiful and so as her looks. What made me liked her even more is that she as a real person really fits Reira's role so much. I am wondering why they didn't make her the Reira for the movie when she fits the role much better than Yuna Ito...??? Her fashion is awesome, that's why she easily catches people's attention. She had several albums and the songs are great, what got me are the names of her albums which is kinda gory(for some) like Comatose Bunny Butcher and Merry & Hell Go Round. The title of some of her songs are also goth-ish but...I like goth things!
|Shinigami Lovers|

I finished another manga *smiles* Shinigami Lovers runs up to 11 chapters. Just go to Onemanga for the story ^^ This is where I found Sei (OMG HE IS SO HOT). The girl kinda looks weird but I liked her as I read the story. She is a pervert...who wouldn't be if you're with a hot shinigami?(kidding XD) I wonder if they would really last because it's a great pain that you cannot seperate by any means when you are chained. What I mean is, will they get sick of each other since they see each other like every second? That's the aura I got when I finished the story. Sei is also so assuming, he thinks that he will never be accepted because "Everyone is scared of the Shinigamis". I am also looking forward to their future, I wonder what will happen. O.O Really.
|Special A|

WAAA! Chapter 88 summary was updated! I am SAD! It's a HikarixIori chapter. I know at the very beginning of Iori's appearance that he'll really be a great antagonist of HikarixKei and that went tooooo far! Hikari's also at fault because she just dares and dares people and now that's what she received! I loved how the beginning of the chapter started, it's fine that she helped Iori with such an important thing...that is really fine. I believe that Iori is not that bad as to take advantage and stuffs, he asked her as a friend. Then, Iori is getting really affected and he wanted to be more attached to Hikari, that's also fine, I understand how he feels. But Hikari answering that they should never be too close because they're both at the 2nd place is something fine but that's where Iori found his open spot. Hikari also thought that Kei getting jealous in a chapter before is because...wait, I forgot, it's something about the 2nd place also, not because Hikari is Kei's girlfriend stuff. Since Iori found the open spot, he made an agreement with her that if he will have the 1st place she would break up with Kei. Hikari didn't take that seriously and she confidently said that it's not his work to steal the 1st place but it's hers. And so she just agreed into it and look what happened! Kei and Iori tied at the 1st place and the picture above is him telling Hikari to, "Break up with Takishima-kun" GAWD! He's just like Kei who doesn't know the word "give up" AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN HUH?! I'm sure enough that Kei will not allow such a thing to happen. Hikari suddenly saying yes to that agreement gave me questions. Is that how her love for Kei is like? She can bet their relationship for that? I mean, how sturdy is she for Kei? TT^TT But I can still feel that Hikari didn't really mean it. I am getting crazy! What will happen?!! *runs around* I didn't expect Iori to go that far just for Hikari...but he really is forcing it and Kei would really get mad. I am so looking forward to September 5 and days after for the summary of Chapter 89. TT^TT