I was glad that the internet was extended and I still hope that it would be extended.
There's nothing much for this week except for having busy schedules.
Our Music Teacher told us about the audition he's opening and he said that he is not forcing us to audition. Then, when he asked me if I will audition, I said, "No, sir. I don't have talent" I don't want to waste other people time just for my lousy performance. After I answered he said, "I'm just asking and I'm mad already!" Didn't he say that he is not forcing us? Then why would he get mad when I told him that I will not audition because there are still several things I have to do and I don't have time after classes. Isn't that stupid? That made me have a pissed off attitude for the rest of the day. Thanks, sir.
|Report cards|
I am fine and kinda okay with my grades, it was way too high compared to my grades for the previous years, it was really high but I'm still not satisfied because I know for the fact that I need higher grades to get in a good school for college, and that's what I was aiming for. I think I have to do better for the next quarters.
|That girl Part 4|
Her reply is something I didn't like and I want to send her to hell right now. Her tyranny and undemocratic way of putting people into a sport is very wrong at the first place. She must not randomly assign people that she would see to a sport they don't want to join, that is really idiotic of her, but I understand that
cause she really is. I volunteered already for Scrabble because I was asked by the vice captain to play, and I said yes. That is the correct way to do things. Then, after a while, her fat ass came and randonly assigned people out from nowhere when she didn't even consult the vice captain about the other people who were already assigned. Then, she assigned someone for Scrabble and that's when I called her. I told her without any hate present by that time that I was already doing Scrabble since the vice captain asked me to, I said that plainly. And she just said, "Geez~~ Soriiii~~" in a bitchy tone that made it sound like
I was looking for a fight. I didn't have any tone that could make her said that in that tone, that is really stupid of her. I want her to be sent down to hell or be killed by the march hare from God child, whatever. Grrr!!! I hate humans like her.
I'm currently into Godchild right now, it's really cool and kinda morbid but it really rocks my world ^0^ Also, Tommy Heavenly6 and The Brilliant Green, they are coll musicians and they deserve the popularity and my fangirling. S.A is making me die because I want to see what will happen, the summaries are released and I can't help but just scream that I want Chapter 90 to be released already. I have to wait for September 20 and I don't like that. I might not have internet by that time TT0TT. My wait is driving me crazy, I dreamt about S.A earlier. There was this forum that says the Noble 30 are the top secret people who knows what will happen in S.A. It was cool but weird. And I had a dream of the next chapter which is kinda unrelated to what is happening, but still! I want the next chapter already while my Internet is alive! @0@