I actually planned to post 2 blog entries before classes resume but the "Plans blog"...i just realized that there's not much information about it yet and the other one, the sembreak evaluation, my friend has been taking a long time to upload the pictures that are long overdue. That resulted to my boredomness now... so I would want to talk of something beneficial to the world other than ranting of animes and mangas and myself.
|Magnetic Field|

It sounds too much science and people who have just arrived from school might probably want to shoot me right now. Magnetic field, before I ever knew the deep importance of this one, I just thought of it as something that magnets are connected with. I never knew that this magnetic field could be the final end of the world.
I learned too much from what I watched in Chemistry class. I never paid attention to this magnetic field before because I thought that it's something not that important and something that contributes a little to the total knowledge of the world.
Besides Global Warming, the loss of the earth's magnetic field is inevitable that none has ever discovered the cause of the loss of the magnetic field.
I won't give a concise and detailed explanation of the Magnetic field but what I would say here is what I understood as a newbie of the great importance of the Earth's magnetic field.

Earth is like a huge magnet and there is a certain field that runs from the south pole to the north pole and to the core, this cycle continues in order to protect the living things of Earth from the Sun's radiation or the Solar Winds. The sun emits dangerous radiations called solar winds every second and that is where the Earth's magnetic field acts as a shield to avoid the solar winds from reaching Earth. Without the Earth's magnetic field, our planet would be nothing but just a mere peace of barren material floating in the solar system. The evidence of existence of the solar winds is found in the North pole, the Aurora beams.
Mars, the planet right next to Earth is believed to have a similar life as what we have in Earth today in the past. They found traces of volcanoes and the past life in Mars, and scientists discovered that Mars used to have a magnetic field which disappeared and turned Mars to a simple red planet.
And Scientists today discovered a drastic change in the Earth's magnetic field. It's rate of disappearing is faster that it would only last up to the next century or more. Another discovery is that the north and south pole are reversing which may cause the end of living here on Earth. There may be more than just 2 poles if the poles will continue to reverse which is bad. Whatever the results may be, it will be directed to the end of the planet just like how Mars turned to a mere red planet.
Unfortunately, no causes have been found nor a way to prevent this phenomenon from happening. It's scary to think of the ending of Earth in a snap which may happen if the Earth's shield is gone. Besides the hackneyed issue of Global Warming on which only a few have taken action to, I want to raise this latent issue much more dramatic than Global Warming.