This is really late but for my sake, I would post this report. This extra ordinary sembreak took place at Dani's place on October 28 - 29. We are like the people who planned so many things but not all were accomplished (i.e. cosplay and sleepovers)
|Day One|
This post has been delayed for a long time so I don't remember the details XD We randomly looked at sites in the internet. We went to soompi thread and we activated our evil mode. We showed no mercy to the fail cosplayers we saw. We are really mean even though we are also a failure sometimes DX I declared my God on that day since we browsed through their pictures and videos in Youtube. Sian and Dani are really funny when they dubbed this Thai cosplay video about kimchi XD They are really awesome. Dani and I made a promise that as long as we can, we will be the future Nokutesu X Irvy pair. And we made something regarding that:

The future and the present (PLEASE DON'T SAVE THE PICTURE)
After, we walked to Rustans to watch our friend's Frisbee practice and for our Nobuta wo Produce trial photoshoot. That is what I really like in Ayala Alabang Village, the feeling of a normal Japanese village is felt. You can just walk to a friend's house, the park, the playing fields, etc. XD Anyways, this is what I was talking about on my previous entry. The outcome of the photoshoot is scary. I'm really scary DX
Nobuko: Louise
Yamappi: Dani
Photographer: Sian

This is a candid photo because Dani saw something floating

Walking away from the pornographers photographers

It's much better without my face DX

Dani is shoo kawaii XD

I thought playing the role of Nobuko would be easy DX
Because of the scary photos of me, Dani and Sian made a movie: I shall eat your children. The main character is me obviously. Refer to dani's album for the info about the "movie". We also got addicted to this cooking game in DS "Cooking Mama" LOLz. We are really crazeee.
|Day Two|
Dani, I, Sian and Roni went to Divisoria with Dani's lola to buy the things we need for the school uniform of NwP. Dani kept on saying she doesn't believe that we're doing that, meaning going to a far place just for cosplay XD. It's again fun to see them surprised by the environment in Divisoria. Sian bought the mini L figure. Going back, we decided to go to Roni's house for a Death Note lolz because of Sian's L figure. Roni's house is fucking big and you can already live inside her room. I'm not kidding, it's a huge mansion.
Kira/Light: Dani
Misa: Louise
L: L
Photographer: Sian
Location: Roni's house

Invading stores in ATC


This picture is cute but it can't be explained XD

L Lawliet
That ends my sembreak report and I really had an extra ordinary experience this year XD