Post written on January 24, 2009 and published today, February 1, 2009|Overview|
A lot has happened ever since school resumed from Christmas Break. Knowing the fact that I didn't have time for anything (i.e. manga, anime, cosplay, IU, updates etc.) On 4 years I have stayed in Montessori, doing overnight homeworks and infinite crammings, it's just this year that I realized that not having a
proper sleep is really annoying.
I started to think of all of those as unfair. Cramming at night and never getting any peaceful hours of sleep is just something that made me think like this: "What's the use of all these??? Why do I have to sacrifice my night time for these? Just because I'm scared of what's going to happen? What about the others? Are my classmates even doing these?" I started to will myself to sleep if I'm really sleepy. By this time, I have to think of my brain began to get stupid and how my face looked so stressed, I need some time to at least let myself get away from work.
Even though I think that it's correct, my performance in school changed and it's not something good to hear. My math grades are surely failing, I became more lazy in researches and I fail to submit things on time. I guess it's really hard to get the "for-yourself-time" in the midst of spearheading activities and dealing with failing marks...which is really sad.
And in between those weeks of planning, and school, my confidence was almost lost. I had problems with friends, and I had problems of having a few work to do for the group planning. "I'm a big fail", that sentence kept on repeating on my head for the last few weeks and will still continue until all the activities are done. I had not done anything correct and will always end up failing, I guess that's the vague reason that can explain why I kept on crying so much last week.
I knew that I'm ruining this supposed to be "positive" blog but...that's how it is, whatever comes to my head - that's what I want to share, and so I post it :)
|This week|
+My Aunt just came back from USA and I really got a lot of nice stuffs from her. I remembered that it was this week when I had nothing but a funereal aura surrounding me. I feel bad for not even seeing her personally because there are things that I have to worry before I can face her as "me".
This is a suicidal week for this school year. Everytime I get home, I would always rush to my bed and cry out everything without any reason behind those tears. Even during Math classes, my eyes will always water. My grades are fucked up in that particular lesson in Math. In short, there's nothing I can say "fun" on those school days. I guess that word is not even acceptable to that school.
+Friday night, I was with Dani. She invited me to purikura with her to ATC on which I accepted to at least get my mind off things. I played Fatal Frame 3 at her house and I was realy delighted XD So, this is the outcome of our "Puri, Puri" XD LOLz


Random pose that didn't end up well

Korean Drama
+Saturday, Ayyah, Kriselle, Aina and I went to SM Tunasan to celebrate Kriselle's birthday XD I cancelled 2 things because...I feel much more safe when I'm with Kriselle and Ayyah XD It was my first time in SM Tunasan, and I's still a new mall. It's really fun when I'm with them, for once, I can forget about the remorse and at least enjoy the world. We watched "Yes Man" and who would expect a film lead by Jim Carrey to not turn out good? XD The movie was worth the money XD Aina was also with us and I had the "New-buddy" feeling because there are more of us in hangouts. We talked about so many stuffs and those talks were really fun. Thank you again Kriselle for giving me a ray of light this week, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


ang maligno sa punso LOLz. Peace, Muken!!~

Hi Aina!~ Sorry for being a tyrant~!XD

|Previous weeks|
...1.)Hell week of requirements; week to think of time plan for I.R.; time to worry about AJSS; time to buy materials; time to review plans for Youth Forum
...2.)Hell week of examination; has to stay up soooo late to study for 3 quarters; time to regain some sleep, but failed; time to study for AJSS; has to go to Sian's house in Taguig; has to make a set-up for I.R; problems arise from friends
...3.)Hell week of activities; time to think of sleeping, but resulted to annoyance for failing to sleep; has to do I.R.; traumatizing "I-don't-need-you-in-my-group"; traumatizing Math classes; time for school again; time for boring researches
+The positive thing is only when we went to Sian's house in Taguig last January 17-18 for AJSS (Ateneo Junior Summer Seminar). Their house made me happy, it's huge and really comfortable but I didn't get a good sleep because the bed doesn't have a big space. It's a perfect place for photoshoot. For the AJSS thing, I think there are really 70 people who are genius and capable of earning a slot, and I am not one. There were a lot of people who took the exam, it'll be nice to say that I did my best for the exam...I guess. After the exam, we went to Eastwood city. It's a really nice place, like a different country! There were only a few people there. The mall was kinda empty and that gave us the idea to pose around. I failed to bring Anya because my "hambog" friend made me forget her! Grrr!! DX We had some purikura and we abused it XD

Me, Sian and Justin (first time with Purikura)

The gorilla and fish thingy is the outcome of panicking from the machine's timer
I'll be gone for four days...I hope. I think I will need those days to get back my calm spirit. I really do hope that I can.
Note for this week:I'm back to Manila from Baguio, and if freaking me out. Late posts and late updates from the world outside school are what everyone should expect for me. Hopefully, I'll be back next week