|Summer Buddies|
I'm glad that classes in our school ended early, March 13 to be specific. I've got only a term paper to pass after the exams for clearance so I'm happy that my summer for this year…is early again. Banzai! Since I haven't been active in blogging I would take a lot of chances this summer to make this blog page attractive and fascinating. *grins*
For this summer let me introduce to everyone my loyal buddies this summer:

Anya, my phone. Well…now that it's summer, I'm usually lazy to load it and-- my sister deleted my inbox filled with quotes 0.0 Just…WTH?! Anyways, I still text but only if I feel like forwarding quotes
but my sister deleted my inbox so there's no sense now
Mangas, they fascinate the Otaku genes within me
especially yaoi. I didn't take a picture of Mr. Brown, the box keeper of my DVDs. I got new
yaoi DVDs of some series XD

ExD, my camera. He will be the perfect tool to make things in blog much more pretty-ful. When I received ExD, that meant freedom from my brother's slavery because every time I borrow his camera, there will be something he would ask. It's a good thing that I officially cut off anything between us when I got ExD

Xeb, my laptop. My whole life is in him. The resurrection of my fanfiction will start from him. I also got the awesome Photoshop CS4 there XD
|Cosplay Preparation|
Last Thursday, I went to Dani's house together with Ashley and Sian to fix my wig and check my costume. Only the buns are finished as of now and I'm still figuring out how to make the pink wig turn darker and maroon-ish. It' s a great disaster especially that I already ran out of money. The costume is almost perfect and I only have to work on the wig. Okay, back to the time I went to Dani's house, we weren't successful in styling so we decided after to play the most pressuring and intense game ever…THE PICK UP STICKS GAME!

Lolz. I won with 14 sticks and Ashley and Dani were tie with 11 sticks. Regarding the preparation, I'm hoping that there will be a solution to my wig problem.