|Youth for Christ|
April 17-18, 2009, I attended the Youth for Christ Camp in Tunasan Elementary School for West 1 Cluster 3 inside our village. This is the first activity of mine this summer to fill out the community-based activity I need.
Two years ago, I was baptized to YFC but it seems like I didn't like the camp that much and I still don't get the reason why the youth there were so dedicated to God. I did not become an active member and was not planning to be one but this year, I think it's time for me to show up and learn from it. Not only just to take it for granted.

When I arrived at the venue, I was scared. Scared that I have to deal with a lot of people wherein I do not know anyone there, scared that I'll be left out and scared of guys (Cause I'm not used to guys outside school) I saw a group of guys waiting in one area and all I did was ask if they're part of the camp. I isolated myself from them on my own will to deal with the problem of getting the wig that day [Random. I'm supposed to get the wig from Aya that day and I still haven't contacted her] Kuya Jann, the chapter head, was the one who approached me and introduced me to a lot of people.

I met Yoko who I'm familiar with. I keep on hearing her from my cousin's stories since I'm batchmates with her in SMIS. Some other people from SMIS were there and I was surprised cause there's really a lot of them. They all know each other and they are so close to each other…all of them. We had a recollection to discuss the theme of the camp, it's reflection moment for every one. We didn't do anything on the first day so before the real camp for participants, I went home and Clarisse came with me. She's one of the younger people I respect. She has a nice talent and has amazing skill of communication. In other words, she's talkative in a nice way.

The participants arrived and the service team had their first assembly to determine the groupings and assignments. I was in group 3 and was glad to be part of that group.

Second Day. Start of bath struggle. It's a good thing the location is just walking distance away from home, so I don’t' have to join in the battle for water and dirty cubicles. The day was a little boring so I slept for the whole day. Anyways, just to show you, the room I'm staying in is the girls quarter [the pic above] LOL. There's lot of people, guys are okay to enter, nobody cares.

My Otaku-ness was unleashed for a little since I met Kristy and Chin who are anime lovers. The band started to play downstairs as I teach Kristy and Chin how to dance the Hare Hare XD Later on, we went down to watch and I found the band really awesome, they randomly choose songs and can play it impromptu.
At night, we, the members had our battle. This is climatic part of all for us who are members. I gained knowledge of the battle from Yoko since I don't know anything that's happening. It's the worship time wherein souls usually are attracted to. Several possession have been experienced in different camp sites and I heard that they feared the location in Victoria(where we stayed) the most because the place is haunted. Yup that is true even during school days, I heard rumors of students getting possessed. That's actually a big secret from the participants. When I entered, I really felt cold things kind of touching me, I felt goose bumps but I wasn't scared. We sung and reflected with all we've got and we are glad that nothing bad happened. Everyone was crying in joy after.
We had a night party. My camera died that time so it sucks. It was a lot of fun. There's supposed to be a bonfire but there seemed to be a problem, so there wasn't any bonfire. We were just rocking the whole night, it was so much fun and I actually saw a shooting star XD

Third Day. I went home to eat and take a bath. Only a few hours left and I can go home. This happens all the time, when I'm on the last day, it's the time I get the courage to lolz with random people. I just watched the participants and actually cried on their last talk. They're supposed to be the one to feel it but I think the reflection really hit me T.T The pic above shows the last activity of the participants, they're crying and I'm also in tears while taking the picture. It's such an awesome moment.
I decided to ditch the event early since no acquaintance of mine will be left. I thanked a lot of people before I left and promised that as much as I can, I'll attend the activities for YFC. The people are nice and new learning is what I usually get from it.
I learned a lot from the camp. I mean as much as what I learn from school, it's teaching me a lot. This is only the activity that makes me look back, reflect and cry. Even though I know that learning will stay only for a short time, I will not forget the feeling and thought I got out of a simple reflection. This is not all just about boring religion stuffs. Questioning God is still there but when you get to learn the different lives and experiences of the people in YFC, you would believe God in some way. As I said, it's not boring, this is the cool way to deal with religion and God.
A random activity Ayyah invited me to join. I haven't fully recovered my sleep from YFC so I was a little bored of myself. I want to hangout as much as I can because I'm scared that these things will not happen anymore. Apryl and Arah were the people who planned and I randomly joined in.

I was late because the STOP button of the DVD player is too hard *nose gets longer* while I was watching Gakuen Alice. I met with them in Mcdo and it's nice to see everyone again. We watched Dragonball Evolution. It was awesome that it kept me laughing all throughout…
is that supposed to be a compliment? We went to Comic Alley and Kriselle isn't still ready to enter even though the ate wasn't there. I saw The Machine Girl!! That's a gory movie I wanted to watch and I was *0* when I saw that it's available there 8D

We went to Karaoke which is awesome. Kriselle got the best score! And I just lolzed with all I've got. Apryl got Kyla's voice~ ohohoho! They went home after that while Ayyah and I stayed until 7 or 8 P.M there. I finally brought the contact lens solution! Woot! We were talking about KWMS because it’s so much addicting and the scenario that she gave me really troubled me a lot to the extent that my muse of FF returned. It's nice that I'm hearing stuffs from her and I discovered something that day. The fact that I'm always peaceful with Ayyah is because we have the same thoughts all the time. *shot* She's really my twin~ haha!
I was extremely at my limit that day. My body will not function anymore if I force myself to watch any of the DVDs I borrowed but when I got home, it was brownout so while I was doing something school-related stuff, I was listening to the KWMS drama CD. Misaki is awesome as always but Usui's voice didn't meet my expectation but it’s okay.
The next days, my body is very tired that it's overpowering my want to review, surf the internet and watch animes.