Yesterday, I was supposed to attend a YFC Team Building Activity on which I chose not to go. I don't want to go for some reasons and my mom didn't want me to go. So, Friday is a totally freedom day.
I'm updated with the latest chapter of KHR already and I REALLY REALLY wish them good luck! They can DID it! I know they can DID! *shot* Another reason why I was happy yesterday is because our whole family watched Angels and Demons together. We got free tickets and I'm absolutely excited to eat Cinema foods; Lately, I've been eating a LOT, I'm afraid to get fat yet afraid to get hungry.
As usual, it's obvious of who the real antagonist is. I like how they used the angels as guides. The statues are awesome! I wish to see the Castle of Angels if I get a chance! 8D

I got new glasses also! My last one broke easily so I have to get a new one. it has an identification! It's name is 8609! We went home late and a lot of things bothered me after that awesome malling with my family.
For the last 2 days, I refused to review and I blame the school for that. I went to school last Wednesday to review and I experienced the most traumatizing self-review ever in my life. Teachers are everywhere and they're noisy, no eating allowed, the water fountain is super far from the library and the review books are brain damaging, especially the science books. The review books are for American students! T-the science review books! One thick MSA books is = one Chemistry book! The water and energy from my brain evaporated and I can't help but just daze in front of me and doodle stuffs from my notebook! Then, I started to feel afraid especially that I got an application form already. If I easily break down like this and so far, I only reviewed Math and English not even attempting to read Science books, I wonder if I'm rightful to pass.
*Sigh* What would happen to me if I didn't pass those universities? *sob*