|I'm admitted to 4th year...How awesome -.-|
My classes will start on June 9. A few more days 'til I start my long nightmare. So, since nothing fun is scheduled on my calendar, I will start posting morose posts with less images but with extra ultimate picture spammages.

I got my admission card last Wednesday and my UP form was filled up already. I'm going to take BS Psychology. It's all thanks to Jaytee-nee for telling me the difference between BA and BS XD Reviews are freaking me out. I haven't reviewed science and I'm really starting to worry. I hope that there will be suspensions once classes started.
I might go school supplies shopping tomorrow, who wants to come? XD LOL
I was in Alabang Medical Center since June 3 after the orientation meeting until yesterday night. To share some randomness, here are several things I like about hospitals:
1. Food
2. Empty self-operated elevator. It's perfect for horror scenes XDD
3. Empty corridors
4. Around the hospital are food places and 7-eleven
5. TV with cables
6. Vending machines
I'm sorry if a lot of people were worried about
me getting hospitalized. Actually it wasn't me who was hospitalized, it was my grandfather who had trouble breathing. He's okay now and we even celebrated his birthday yesterday at the hospital XD Thank you for the text messages and tags =)
If you ask me, I might be hospitalized soon DX and that will be anytime during a school day *shot*
|Extra: SasuSaku Spammage|
MY SASUSAKU FEVER IS BACK!!He shifted his position, resting the back of his hand against his forehead. There was some time to kill it would seem. Creasing his forehead in irritation, Sasuke willingly thought about the one person that, ironically enough, never once crossed his mind while he was here before. - Little Piece of Heaven by Leanne Ashley
The picture above is perfect for that story! It pawns like RAWWR!!
Okay, this extra portion would usually appear when a post will not satisfy me with only words and less pictures...whatever.