Do you think that animals feel regret?
Okay, I'm starting to like the LJ Writer's Block portion. I'm not expecting this kind of question to suddenly be included there especially that it's like a coincidence that these past few days, I'm thinking of justice for animals. Shoot me if you want for posting such a silly post.

I started choking when I eat meat...especially chicken meat a few months ago. Because while eating, I was thinking of a live chicken. I used to play with chickens before. LOL. And that's when I thought that it's really not fair for animals.
I don't know how animals feel, but I just think that they feel the same as how humans a way that they'll feel tired when they work hard, they will feel scared if they witness a fellow animal getting killed, they'll be hungry and thirsty, they'll be happy when they see their masters, they'll be disappointed when the masters ignore them (That's my case with my dogs). But I think regret is not part of their capacity of thinking. They're satisfied by the small things that make them happy and make them survive. They're positive about life...unlike humans DX
If only meat never existed, I would love the world with all I've got. I don't like how horses are used for transportation *points at Divisoria* and I don't like how animals are killed for the sake of humans. If only men thought about this injustice a long time ago when people are just starting to eat meat *sigh* then meat eating wouldn't have to be in existence for this long. At the first place, humans are created to take care of animals...not use them to live. God created vegetables for humans and animals, and he did not intend both races to eat each other.