Warning: Swearing. This is a rant. I might say something not right but this is just a way for me to vent out my anger. Sorry for the wordsHe's back with a worse syndrome. He's no other than "Oscar", the in denial gay faggot classmate of mine who is very likely to be my brother's shonen ai partner. I don't know why he's acting like he really wants to start a war with me. I know I'm average and I act stupid sometimes but that doesn't give him the reason to belittle and insult me everytime during and after classes. Saying "Boring" when I'm answering a question and all sorts of insults he'll spat out from his mouth are too many that I can't remember them but I can still feel the effect it had on me. I've been discouraged to lead (and he rarely listens to me), my class participation is affected (because of his side comments) and no matter how hard I try to forget, sometimes I'm absorbing what that bitch said.
I've been ranting to a lot of people about this person and I'm a little tired to keep on repeating why he's such a bitch, what he really is and how bitch he is. But I tell you, his intimidating, kill-joy, inconsiderate, dominating and gay personality will never get him anywhere. He's just lucky we're only four that we have to stick close to each other, I would have chosen not to go near him if there's a lot of us, but NO. Of all people, why did I get two boy classmates who's so fucking immature? They're like kids competing for their position in the higher society. I have to endure whatever he's saying and stay quiet for the rest of the year while my inner demon is telling me to punch him and send him flying to the next city.
Let's just see where that attitude will lead him. If he's going to run against Justin for SC, I would be happy. Because I would like to see him get in trouble with Ms. A there to scold him and fall with the SC he is leading. Then, it'll be the chance of the presidents to take over their positions and lead. I wonder what it'll be like to have a kill-joy bastard leading the SC, what would be "fun"?
I have to save my falcon punch for the attention-seeking person til the end of the year. That's one hell of my goal before I graduate.

This week is the coping up with the subjects week. Because of a handicap in class participation because of that bitch, I did my best in quizzes to pull up my grades. He's a great hindrance to my performance in class and if he knows it, then good job but if doesn't, then fuck you.
All I want for this year is to get higher grades, get the academic scholarship and pass UP D and ADMU. I have the determination until some hindrances occurred on which I'm trying to adjust into. There's no way that a gay prideful boy like that will suddenly change right? So expect for the worse.
Speaking of adjustments, there are shocking things that happened in our class. Since there are four of us, we don't expect that we can run away from the responsibilities anymore. So, to show how burdened we are already, I'll show our current positions as of the moment:
Justin- Temporary Governing Body President
Sian- COMELEC head, Photography Club member, Class Secretary
Louise- (I think mine is the worst) Class President, Class Vice President/Parliament, CAT Commanding Officer, Team Captain, Photography Club member
One is blacklisted so don't ask why I only put three.
There's nothing for me to brag. Getting into a high position to several things is not my goal this year. I can't even imagine how one person with this many positions can manage. I think I would even get lazier because there's so much job.
MOST is not part of my top 5 goals but if I'll have a chance then I'll try cause Mr. Carl said so (^^) I love him so much. LOL. Yesterday, I met with Aina to rant and I was texting Mr. Carl and Kriselle to rant also. Thank you so much! *bows*
|Extra: Hongo Kanata|

He's still very thin, I hope he gets more nutrients and be buff like Yuu Shirota. But, I still love him <3 XP Once sembreak starts, I'm planning to go to Quiapo and buy several live dramas with Hongo Kanata and I want to buy the DVD of his movie, "Goth" *fangirls*