|Valenzuela Trip|
Yesterday, I was dragged out of my bed early in the morning. Our family and other relatives are supposed to go to a resort in Valenzuela to formally celebrate my grandfather's birthday.
It was only 6:30 or something, then I was really dragged out of bed. It was hard for me to move around, eat, take a bath and do more things that doesn't require sleeping. Then my mom suddenly told me things that made me upset and angry because of my laziness. I was really angry I didn't talk to anyone. Anyone can't imagine how pissed of I was this morning. The Sasuke
isnabero aura was within me for the rest of the day just because of stupid opinions using the wrong words. But I'm still glad that I was still able to put up a face in front of them or I'll be in shame rest of the reunions.

The place is private and I was still pissed. I just frowned at the lotus and the swimming pool. I love the lotuses there, they reminded me of Kanda. Another thing I'm upset about, I left my camera because they rushed a person like me who didn't even prepare a single underwear to wear the day before the outing. I packed up for 2 minutes and I'm glad that I was able to bring the things I ought to bring. So I used the crappy camera of my phone. And speaking of phones, I was in a place in a middle of a wide farm and I didn't have load to text anyone to help me and fetch me from Valenzuela.

I slept comfortably in a hut alone and I didn't plan to go away from the hut to show a very peaceful face. When my cousin, the closest one, arrived, I decided to swim. I didn't enjoy it at first because my mood is still terrible. I practiced individual medley because I was really pissed, but later on, my mood started to clear up and I was able to lolz again. Seeing it as a chance to copy Ryohei's swimming form, I tried doing it! XDD ROTFL! I don't look like a
butete or an octopus, my cousin told me I'm like a frog! XDD

I was happy that we left early. I encountered an accident right in front me on the way back. A truck's tire exploded right in front of our car and I was in front. Seeing that things aren't that serious, I didn't mind it that much anymore. The streets we passed through were flooded. My muscles sore after the day.
Last HS Student Orientation|
This is a long day on which I must thank Ayyah for a bit because she suspended our meeting. I woke up 8 A.M to do some more things I have to finish for the orientation and submission of UPCAT form. Being hardheaded as I always am, I watched the latest episode of KHR and I watched again the first appearance of Sasuke in Naruto Shippuuden (LOL. I'm studying Sasuke and Sakura's personalities and I just want to see their interactions again)

I went to Festival to buy the bag then hurried to ATC to avoid being late for a very important day. The rain made things hard for me, ahhgrh~ I would like it if the rain will stop when I'm commuting. I witnessed another accident, this time with a truck and motorcycle. The truck almost run over the motorcycle DX Everything went nicely and I'm happy XDD

During our random icebreaker, my hyperness leveled up and I randomly asked questions to the person who'll do a mistake during the game XD I remembered asking them, "Why did you choose Montessori?", "Why did you decide to stay here?", LOL. It's like I'm extracting their brain to spat out the answer I would like to hear XD The game ended early, that was sad because I prepared some random questions in my brain such as, "What is your purpose in life?" and "What is your goal in life?" (Sasugay moment)

The activity ended with a tour and I was able to see our class's new room. It's kinda sad to look at but I guess that's how things are.
I'm very tired today DXX And actually, right now, I'm pissed off again because I'm really tired but the people around me are really annoying and stupid. I mean I look more than just the usual pissed off Louise but what the hell are they doing telling me to do something for them when I'm saying that I'm doing something and I'm not available?! Really, these people!