First Day. I didn't sleep well because my sister was so noisy. So definitely, my day didn't turn out awesome. I didn't feel a tint of excitement, it was just like going back to
"school" from a sembreak.
The day was boring...well, because the subjects are really bad

Physics would definitely be the worst subject of the year. One is because of my dislike over the teacher and second, is the individual Investigative Research.
TLE is another pain. Another boring year because our topic is Entrepreneurship which we took several times already. TLE in HS is really not worth remembering, we never did fun things in at least one school year. We only did entrepreneurship and electronics for the past 4 years *sigh*
AP surprised me a lot. Since the HS department is going to be considered an international school soon (which I hope will not happen this year or I'll have to endure another year of HS), the AP classes are now in English. And it was decided that we'll also have Anthropology classes *sigh sigh*
For the next days, I met with the other teachers of different subjects. A lot of things gave me in.
P.E. All year levels in high school are combined already in PE. I don't want to be combined though, there are too many people >.<
Music. The juniors and seniors are combined and I don't like the idea.
CAT...our class is struggling >.<
The subjects that are making me happy are only Filipino, Math and Literature. I'm bored with the rest of the subjects. I wish those subjects will rot and die.
I'm elected as kaichou(president) of the class. It wasn't an intense election but it's more of an arranged thing already. In fact, we did the election in less than five minutes.
On the first day, it was really awesome that I had a meeting with Ms. Alcantara(School Head) and she mistook me as the SC representative. So, I'm not legally a SC representative so more work has to stay away from me until the next month. For now, I have to work on my reviews and IR.
Oh yeah, I thought that I'm not going to do it but I really didn't touch the computer for 2 days DX I guess I would have to freeze my Plurk karma soon XD I'm starting to like my new bag, it can fit anything because it's really deep and spacious XDD And the name of my bag is Blossom.
|EXTRA: KWMS Volume 7 cover|

I met with Ayyah today to trade DVDs and we talked about random things. I shall thank her for bluetooth-ing me awesome KWMS images. I discovered another thing from her: That Misaki has a deep liking for neckties. LOL. She drew me an Allen Walker in my steno notebook which is vandalized by different people in school, and she added into the Vandalizers-of-Louise's-Notebook organization.

It's already 3:23 A.M. I have to sleep now. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!! <3