This week was good. Warm-up had officially ended and I started to take things seriously. But I noticed, getting serious in participation and parliament is bringing out my mean side. And that mean side is necessary for me to get moving.
Regarding the class participation, my meanness is actually bringing peace to everyone. In parliament, my mean side was really felt there. When they're doing something stupid, I'll be the first person to speak up and give them the mean remark and look. It's kinda fun not being an officer because I can sit there like an observant who can give them negative comments anytime, knowing that their leading abilities are fucked up and nothing's getting accomplished.
And I noticed, the boys of our school are teaming up for one purpose, silence the past leaders who are planning to lead this year (which includes me and Liz "People who peed blood the past years") It's just my observation, knowing that they want the presidential government and not the parliamentary. It's suspicious especially that these people are hanging out together and are part of the government. Mou~ I'm very pissed at them so I keep on thinking of bad things :*|
They got nerves to think that they're actually the dominating creatures who know more than the more experienced people.
And it's not actually all of them...I'm referring to a particular second year student who got the hell out of me during the meeting. And part of that serious prejudice are also the people in Governing Body and Parliament

This week, I can't believe that my need to overwork until 1+ A.M is necessary already. These new teachers are merciless in giving assignments and my timing got rusty this year. That means, I would do the work for a particular subject and will not be able to do the work for the other one due to lack of time and my mind's protest to got to bed and sleep, then the next day, the work I did will not be checked and the work that I didn't manage to finish will be checked. ANNOYING.
The picture above above was our slogan for Ecological Action Program "Plant a tree on a day of blue, and the world will be grateful to you" My sister and I did this for the class. It was amazing how our minds will think of the same design XD
The mid quarter marks. I've got nothing to say except that I learned a new truth. Don't trust the teachers who looked like the very last people who can give you negative remarks. And what's ironic, the AP teacher whom I thought will give me a very bad grade actually gave a good grade.
|Extra: Irony|
She said – “He would always tell me I was annoying.” Look down. Broken smile. Fidget. “I couldn’t help but wonder, did he notice how annoying that was?” Empty laugh. Bitter tongue. “Then again, I always hated irony.”

He said – “She was always getting into trouble. It was inevitable, really. She’s Sakura after all.” Sigh. Hand running through black hair in frustration. “But what I don’t understand is why I always had to get her out of it.”
-Occurence by Paige
Today, I was with Kriselle, Ayyah, Aina and Ivy. It was really weird *nods* This day was planned already since Monday. I agreed to go with Muken to SM and then decided to meet with Kriselle in Festival. Then today, the plan got messed up for a while because Muken didn't know which mall she'll go to. My mom did not allow me to SM, only to Festival. I found out that Aina's coming to Festival and the same went with Ayyah and Ivy XDD We met up and lolz at foodcourt then Kriselle left so the 4 of us walked around the mall. We went in National and I was surprised because I saw Kathryn(ex-scholar) there. We were so loud when we saw each other! Well, it's Kathryn and she was the only person who can console me in school last year. Next, we went upstairs and was dragged to some things.

Ivy was the first one who approached the dude then the dude suddenly moved and Ivy freaked out! LOL! I also had a picture with the dude and was weird

We saw something dancing so we went there and watched. The mascot was dancing Jai Ho and we watched there for a while until this woman kindly told us that if we want to have a picture with the mascot then she can take our photo. I was amazed...I mean it's rare to have people volunteer to take a photo. So there, then we headed to Comic Alley and LOL.

Then for the group picture minus Kriselle...

We separated and I went with Ivy and Ayyah, then by the time we arrived at South Station, my Dad texted that he's in Festival. So I went back...then realized that I'm getting hungry. I went upstairs and found myself in front of this stall in X-site. I was freaked out because the kuya started talking to me while I was analyzing their food. Then I randomly told him that I'll buy and I don't even know what kind of food I ordered. I mean the food is like this...

It's like...Fries Float ._. But I realized that there's a cup for the fries that can fit with the cup and the drink is under. Cute XDD I went to Seattle's and found students beside our table doing their...thesis I think and I was surprised when they looked at me and the food. They found it weird I think. But when they left, the girl went back and asked me where I bought the food. LOL.
When I saw those students and at the same time looked at my Ateneo application form (Thank you Kriselle XD), I thought it's really time for me to experience those meetings inside a cafe. College is exciting and fun! Even though I haven't experienced it yet, I know deep inside that college will give me memorable stories I will not forget. Time to restore the happy memories that was paused during high school XDD
|The Kitten|

My sister found the cat and took care of it. When I went out of the house, I saw the cat lying on the grass and because my camera is back in action, I took a failed picture of it XDD