The title doesn't make sense XD This week, if my senses are right, I'm done with the adjustments and it's time for me to turn lunatic especially that I've been I'll go with that: the stupid and skill-less student...but those people just make sure they will not regret underestimating me and suddenly giving me jobs cause I would be more than willing to use my power to UNDERESTIMATE them. Of all the people, especially those who just came in and bullshitted my life, I know my capabilities more than anyone else.
~♥~Last Wednesday. We had speech in Reading class and I'm a little satisfied and a little proud of mine. It's because it's the first time in my entire life that I get a speech topic which is not hackneyed: Vanity is not a reason for cosmetic plastic surgery. Since I'm into cosplay also and I knew some professional cosplayers who had plastic surgery, I can say that I have a say on this one C= That particular day was the first Parliament meeting. And that was the time I was fucking insulted for the first time of my 4 years in Monte.
Insult no. 1. I'm used to presiding meetings for the past years and leading any group of which people (I call them stupid by the way because they don't know what the hell is happening in school and they don't know the people who are actually working their butts off for the sake of these stupid people) failed to see and that was what I did and when I asked someone to take down the minutes because that person has a pad paper, I was only interrupted by the new teacher(AP teacher) that I'll be the one to take down the minutes. It took me a good 5 seconds to reply a soft, "Fine"
Insult no. 2. And here comes the nomination of officers. Me and 3rd year student was nominated and the guys all voted him and their reason:
Stupid no. 1 said, "He has more experience because of SC than Louise" Let me answer you and I'll be defending my side because I know well how that person you voted for works. I was also a fucking SC member, secretary to be specific, a higher position than that person. I was assigned to that person during the HS dance two years ago and he just left me alone to do the worrying and that person's reason? He can't go out at that time (which was 6 P.M) well, good for him he has a car, he has money and I don't. I stayed in Festival until 9 P.M to finish the invitation and tickets. I even made
utang to the kuya there just to get those things printed. He's more of the talk person but actually can't accomplish the things he's supposed to do. And you said experience? You must be kidding me? I've presided myriads of things already and that person, averagely. If that's your qualification then fine, that is I'll consider you my enemy and stupid.
You can say that I'm bitter. Well yes I am, My mind's set that I'll do more presiding now that I'm a senior. But look at what happened, people just came in to make me realize that the years I've stood out, peed blood and almost died for the sake of the students who are not into leadership are worthless and I have to start from scratch again.
Stupid no. 2 did not say anything. But the thing is, he actually doesn't care. Well, what do you expect from a Grade 7 student? When Stupid no. 1 raised his hand and stated his very
awesome reason, he bowed his head down and raised his hand.
For the empty positions such as Vice Chairman and Secretary, I was nominated for all but they're all against me and I ended up having no position. Now I understand, stupid voters are actually existing, they have reasons which are not proven and others, they are just swayed by what those very hypothetical people are saying.
~♥~So, time for the chairman to preside and the teacher and the chairman teamed up to shut me down. So, I just spoke up to avoid jumping on them and killing them. Because the organization of the meeting is fucked up and someone has to do it, I explained to them what parliamentary is and the other things that they must learn. That will be the last time I'll stand up, I have no more reason to preside.
The same goes for my decision to run for the election, if the teacher will be that freaking AP teacher, I would rather sit and watch her and the useless SC fall down together.
Insult no. 3 If ever I'll be noted disrespectful again for this year, I'm pretty sure that that AP teacher will be the one to report me. I'm not smart and knowledgeable about Economics, I look quiet but I speak up for the longest time when I have a say. I'm attending her freaking class to learn, not to have a quiz bee with the AP geniuses in the class. The way she looks at me is pretty obvious, I already had an identification of a stupid student in the whole community. And she's doing that look all the time, treating me an idiot fresh from pre-school. And the worst thing, the fact that she doesn't know how hard I worked...then I'll be treated like this for goodness sake.
I've been underestimated too much. I've cried this out already but the realization is still there especially right now that I'm stating everything in detail. I decided that I'll go along with their insults and underestimations and I won't care of what happen to them, I'll focus on myself so I can get myself out of that school.
Sportsfest! 8D Sportsfest is really fun this year! We played basketball yesterday for girls and LOL. I didn't even get a point but I got injured. And the thing that happened that I thought would happen only in mangas is tending the injuries. LOL. But it wasn't the romantic pinky scene like in Kaichou wa Maid-sama where there will always be no nurse in the clinic, and there was only Usui and Misaki. There was no nurse because the nurse was playing volleyball so I had three doctors assist me (Sian, Dani and Toni). LOL. Memorable item in HS. The good thing is, our team won in basketball 8D
Since I'm getting used to being underestimated by people, this year, I will not prove any of my leadership capacities, I will focus on myself XD Reasonable enough, I guess it's time for me to chill for a bit and let those people do the worrying
|Extra: GaaSaku|

What?~ So now I'm switching to this pairing? LOL. Not really. If there will be hints of GaaSaku in the manga, I will switch immediately XD *shot* I bought a copy of Naruto Shippuuden Movie: Bonds yesterday. It's awkward, especially that Naruto and Sasuke randomly paired up and started fighting. But, over-all, it's still awesome XD There was so much Sasuke fan service and Sakura fan service XD And the manga, well, I have a feeling that Sasuke will die
but if not, probably in verge of death then Naruto will show up and declare peace especially that the current chapter showed all the Kages D8
I've been warming up on NaruHina and I actually formed a oneshot inside my head on the way home last Wednesday. I tried editing my fics yesterday but eye and headache was what I got. LOL