[Tagged by Apryl]
1. So basically, I was gone for two weeks which comprised of Hell Week and Hell Week Continuation. I thought of a way to blog those two weeks through this note because those two weeks mostly were comprised of raNDOM things XD
2. Cat...

While I was eating outside 7-eleven, there was a cat sleeping near the place where I sat. It was adorable <3
3. Failed shot...

Yeah, call me the "awesome" founder of photography club in school. The shot was focused on the screen and not on the dog *shot*
4. Corazon Aquino

Of course, I was also mourning over her death. May you rest in peace, President Cory =)
5. Moth

Early in the morning, I saw a huge butterfly-like moth outside the classroom *0* It was so gigantic that you won't even believe that it's a moth. Nicolas shooed it away using the stick that their class used for the placard. Haha, he broke it XDD
6. Love...

When I arrived home, that is what I saw. And that is how you spell LOVE =)
7. Gintama

I'm watching it again XD And it's much more awesome this time! I appreciated Hijikata now and I loved Kagura already XDD
8. Frog

On the way to school, I saw a flattened frog on the road
9. Cosplay

Gintama related, ohohoho. Takasugi cosplayer. So hawt and awesome!
10. Coffee

This year is really the only year I discovered the effectiveness of coffee to forced workaholics. If I'll account the ways of keeping myself awake before, I will dance the Hare Hare Yukai or wash my face...and it wasn't that effective, I will end up waking up the next day with my lampshade on.
During the hell week, the latest I slept was 3 AM and because of coffee, I rarely got a peaceful sleep. During the Hell Week Continuation which was the exams week, it was still 3 AM. The morning I-have-to-study extension will not happen if we didn't have NCAE review classes after exams everyday- we didn't have any half day classes at all. The last three days of the exams week, I didn't sleep at all. The first two, I slept by past 3 AM and because of coffee, even if I try to sleep, I can't sleep and the last day of review which was Thursday, I finished reviewing by 4:30 A.M and for the remaining 45 minutes before I eat breakfast, I just surfed the net. LOL.
Coffee saves my butt and I call it the awesome savior of mine.
11. Jeepney ride...

I rode the jeep with my classmates minus Sian. So, Oscar and Justin were with me...random
12. Ji Hoo x Jan di

This pairing have been giving me a heartache especially last week. Ji Hoo deserves her even though they're more of the "bestfriend" type, if it's them, there's nothing wrong when they'll end up together. But...*sob* his attempt to at least express the way he feels was just locked inside his heart *cheese* I wish that there will be an alternate ending, I want Ji Hoo to have a happy ending TT^TT
13. Ants

They were attacking our classroom last week
14. LJ Writer's Block 2.0
If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Haha, the pic above was some lolzy thing I did in yearbookyourself. That's my graduation picture on year 1982.
My answer: If you'll go to high school, find a school in the Philippines that's a college preparatory school, filled with normal people and filled with awesome fun things you will treasure. If there's none, take a scholarship program that will require you to study abroad.
15. Exam Date
I wrote on all my test papers for that day the date August 12 when it was actually August 13 *0*
16. Cheese Whiz

I went to Sian's house one day and they invited me to eat. The lunch was spaghetti but the pasta and the sauce were separated. Since I don't eat pasta with tomato sauce, I just asked them to give me Cheese Whiz. My awesome lunch gained a lot of "Gross" remarks, but I tell you, it tastes really good XDD
17. Doujinshis

Can I HAS them? *sparkling eyes*
18. ACET schedule + ID picture + Closet

I'm scheduled on Sunday afternoon -_- Anyway, when I was staring at this pic, the exam permit and my closet took my attention.
My ID picture was actually LOL. I was in pigtails. And my closet, the encircled part is mine and it's also the most disorganized one.
19. Magic 8-ball: Will I be able to cosplay again?

Magic 8-ball: Randomly saw it in Sian's house
Answer: Yes
20. My B-day gift for Liz...

It's the bread-like thing. I have a very cheesy reason for choosing it when I was looking for a perfect gift. In times when she'll be mad, she can asphyxiate that bread. In times when she needs someone to talk to, the bread is there to smile for her *cheeeeseee*
21. Palarong Pinoy

Yesterday (Saturday) was lolz-filled. I'm the team captain of Purple team and I was very hopeful that at least we can own the 2nd or 1st place. I noticed that the main power to make our team win the game is the power of cheering. I didn't play for all games, I actually cheered for almost all the games that my team will participate in. And well...ohohoho *shot* with the help of my almost breaking voice along with the others, we were the 1st place for the event.
22. After Sportsfest... + Banat with Ms. Cris and Mr. Alex

When we were heading back, I was with my Math teacher, Ms. Cris, and my previous adviser, Mr. Alex. Mr. Alex suddenly asked me for banat quotes even if there were parents and some powerful teachers around us. Then, I obliged and told them some banat quotes. Here's one that made Ms. Cris hit me with a fan (well...lightly)
Me: "Tae ka ba?"
Ms. Cris: "Bakit?"
Me: "Di kasi kita matiis eh" XD
So, I was in the lobby and I saw my new school bff,
Chongorilla Christine, she's the Grade 7 student I was referring to in my previous blogs. She's part of the green team so I started bragging how my team won. Ohohohoho!
23. Liz's Birthday

Celebrated it with...of course, Liz, Sian, Elisha, and her classmates Paolo, Tony and Dani. It was my first time to hangout with Montessorians in a normal way (meaning, just eat somewhere and then head to Timezone) Pictures will be posted in Multiply.

We were sharing jokes in Shakey's and we actually made the "Ew" meal. You know, the meal that has halo-halo seasoning, cream, desserts etc. mixed together. Paolo and I were also targeting each other using our cameras. LOL. We went to Timezone, and I was amazed by the Guitar Hero thing there. Dani challenged the dude but she lost by 1%. They're amazing, I can only reach the medium level but they were already playing in expert mode.

I was watching Tony and Paolo in the Ice Hockey game, the circle thing keeps on flying away from the board, haha. We ended our little celebration with a purikura. Haha! It was suffocating inside.

When Liz, Sian, Elisha and I were heading to Festival, we saw Chuckie dancing and his pants fell. LOL. That was such a good display for the kids!!
24. Then we suddenly went to Festival...

There was an awesome car show in Festival. I drooled over the cars *A* That explains why aside from the sale, there's a lot more people in Festival that day. LOL.

We karaoked but I preferred watching them sing. It was my first time outside a private room XD There's a lot of students and that means more people. Liz was scary when she shooed this group of girls away when we're reserving a room.
There are new LOVELY ITEMS in Comic Alley! Arghh! They have the 27 earphones and they also have a Soul Eater earphone!! GAWDD! GRR! I want to buy it if only I have money and if I have a MP3 player, but NO! Penury!! Grr!
Haha~ I was really sleepy when I went home. Saturday was a long day.
25. Trial Shoot

Guess? Haha~ This costume was delayed for so long but...I'm thankful I was still able to see myself wearing this costume, haha. Pictures uploaded in Facebook -> Friends only XD