Warning: Dramatic picture-less story ahead with some touches of bloody nights |School days before...|
I would call this week the "Clarity week". Having no appropriate title in mind, I just made the title UPCAT, but actually, this school week...had been one of my important weeks because the drama is coming back for a good thing.
HR Guidance subject is one of the subjects that I like, cause for one thing, I can talk about myself to the
whole class. And our not the super bonded class you might have imagined.
All the HR Guidance were significant for me...since last year. This year and to be specific, this quarter, did a great attack to the class. We did this activity called, "Praise me or Hit me" where each one of us will say the good things about a certain person and also the bad things.
As most of the people know *waves* Oscar and I have a very bad relationship and I can't deny that I want to hear what he has to say. The first person we have to praise or hit was Justin, I was the last to give and by that time, I actually almost started a little argument with Oscar because I gave the Hit me part to Justin. I believe that everything we say in Praise or Hit is just a mere opinion, but I never thought that the bitchiness will continue like that.
I was the last person that the class have to give comment on. The good things they said, I actually would want to believe that I'm the person that they're talking about, but I still have doubts. I noted what Oscar said the most, it was something like this...
"You're studious, responsible *etc* I look up to you since we're Grade 7 and you have a unique quality *...
I can't remember what he said here* which makes you stand out. I like your speeches *I totally forgot now...sorry for the attempt to type what he said*"
By the way I examined by that time, he looked pretty serious especially when it was the time to hit me...
"*I forgot how it started*...I don't like the way that you are not defending yourself... *etc* And then, I'll probably understand during speeches but *he made a hand gesture along by he said next* there's only three of us here, I don't like the way that you are not making an eye contact with us. You want to be a clinical psychologist right? The you have to... *etc* You know, you should understand yourself well *etc* You should also be sensitive about how other people will feel when you talk *etc* Also, don't over analyze situations *etc*
I made a comment on what he said and we almost started a fight again but thank God that the teacher was there to interrupt us. How can I actually defend myself against someone who's so good in defending? and eye contacts...that was my problem even last year, but that only happens in school I believe especially to Oscar. I get the cling to get eye contacts when I'm comfortable with the person...I'm a shy person, even though I look like someone who can easily start a gag show, what I really feel inside is different, especially to the people I'm not close with and the people I feel would be hard to handle in my situation (one of them is him). The "You should understand yourself well" is the one I can't understand especially that -ehem- sorry for the word, but he's the "Others" in my life. Even the people who are my real friends doesn't say anything like that. The "Sensitive part"...well, I understand his love for Justin and he's actually the only person who is opposing my being loudmouthed...that explains why I don't talk to him that much since he just shuts me up.
The "don't over analyze situations"...I didn't under stand it when he said that but after the STC, I understood.
->That was Thursday, and I remembered that there's a fucking Parliament meeting, but because I don't want to be stuck with the bunch of losers, I asked my adviser, Ms. Louie, to have a STC(Student Teacher Conference) right after HR Guidance after school. I was again the last student to have a STC...which is good for me. She hinted me of what Oscar is really trying to do...
So I started by telling her that I'm not happy with my mid-quarter marks because of the destruction done by several shits on the road. One of them is Oscar who made a trigger on how I feel of being a very low being in the school. She asked me some more about it, in what way, and what really annoys me. I told her that even before, he's just not the type who I can get along with very well. Then she started telling me of Oscar's answer to the offensive obvious things he's doing not only to me but also to her and the others as well.
"He understands what he's doing. He's pondering over what he could have said after but he just doesn't know how to apologize properly. He's aware of his side comments and he said that sometimes, he's just really the person who reacts and says something that people might misinterpret. He told me that he really looked up to you since you guys were Grade 7.
He is quite aware of what you guys are thinking of him. That's when he says something, then it will the final already, but that isn't what he really wanted *etc*"
We talked for an hour about the class and whether I like it or not, the sitting positions will be changed next quarter and I'm happy that I'm the only person that Ms. Louie consulted about I have a choice. I will sit next to Oscar(well, I have no choice for this one) next quarter because according to her, "He also wants to fix things with you"
I'm a gullible person. He can be just bullshitting with Miss cause that's what he does according to my past observations or if he's sincere, then good job for realizing what I really want to shout in front of your face during the "Praise me or Hit me"
For the lolz, I got back 10 minutes before the meeting ends. And guess what I saw, people videoing themselves and the Chairman who doesn't even know how to request for materials. And much more, they had an hour meeting but I didn't see any objectives or program in the board. And when I asked Christine (she's my new kabarkads anyway among the scholars...she's not a loser, if she's only a year younger than me, I would be happy to bequeath her my position. I see myself in her when I was younger but she's much more admirable and awesome *drammaaa*) when the assembly would be held, she said they haven't decided.
Planning an activity is as simple as unwrapping a candy wrap. But I guess losers would stay losers especially when they're with more losers and their group would shut up the people who are trying to mend their ways.

This week, what I did was to finish the mountain of works the "Slacker Louise" from the first quarter until July 26 had left to the "Current Louise". It was really tiring especially that I have to review also. I reviewed during classes when I will finish some works early and I would review even if that means sleeping in the morning due to much more homeworks. I discovered the wonders of coffee (I never had it with me before everytime I will do brain racking school things). I tried it last Thursday and I ended up sleeping with my eyes being held open by invisible chopsticks until 3 A.M the next day. And the next day, I ended up sleeping in class...just good especially that the subjects on that day are very boring.
And what happened to Oscar and I? I attempted to interrupt with his "Damn Japs" topic during Filipino class when we were making our slogans. And well, it did turn okay, but it's very awkward for me.
|And during the UPCAT day...|
I slept early and I loved the feeling... I haven't slept on 9 A.M for the past years. I checked my horoscope (It wasn't something very good) and all my accounts before I went to sleep because...that might actually help in having the mind blocks ineffective. I was supposed to wake up by 3 A.M but the maid slept and ended up waking us up by 4 A.M. So naturally, I was in a bad mood. Fortunately, we left by the scheduled time which is 4:30 A.M. The rain was pouring hard and we almost got stuck on the road because of the flood. Adding to the misfortunes that day, while we were traveling, the radio announcer said that former President Corazon Aquino died. That was something sad. I wasn't alive when she lead the country but everytime I see her in T.V, the kindness of being a mother and a personality as someone who cannot just do bad things are felt. I experienced having a grandmother who struggled and died during dawn. That's why I'm sad by the news.
And while traveling, I realized that I left my snacks. I bought snacks and I ended up not eating them. I'm not sure of the probability that I'll pass. I took it the way I took the IOWA test in school...and so, that means, I didn't feel scared and nervous but the lack of emotions scared me. That could mean extreme failure. But the Math test really pissed me off, the way they printed the booklet with that font makes it look easy but NO. The Geometry in Math is really a pain especially that the time pressure was felt most there. And Science, I got a mind block at a Chemistry problem and the rest...zzz. I'm not good in guessing games so my best savior would be the language proficiency and reading comprehension. The English system of our school is what I'm proud of TT^TT

Just when I thought I can go to Trinoma and finally watch HP, my dad brought me back to Alabang. I was like, "Aren't we suppose to be in Trinoma?" I can't bare to miss an HP movie but I guess I will, this year. My sister was with us and I bought xD with me, so that means, lolz.


The Arcobaleno arc is awesome. There's a lot of ColonelloLal moments and the next episode, OMG. It's a Hibari and Mukuro episode. The picture above...I don't even know where I got it, but, HAHA! I'm still strong for D18 *dies* and what's weird now, everytime I see Hibari, I see him as super cute and uke as if all the manly characters in Reborn are after him. He's a very awesome UKE!! *A*