I mentioned on my previous blog that this week would be the busiest week in school. We have the School Foundation Celebration, HS Filipino Presentation and the Filipino Culminating Activity.
So basically, those activities meant doing several preparations and racking some brains to memorize our presentations.
As for me, this month of August that I looked forward to, gave me disappointment. Not in the part of the organizers but in my part, I did not satisfy myself with what I've presented. Last year, I was able to avenge my humiliating Grade 7 presentation with a speech that I presented perfectly. This time, my preparation wasn't very wise, I made my own speech the night before and memorized it. I was able to recite it but stopped when I forgot a single word, but fortunately I was able to continue but that doesn't give me a reason to be content enough of my presentation. Especially during the Foundation Celebration, I was the mass commentator, symbol reader and the opening remarks person for the Alumni talk, but I didn't really talk smoothly (meaning having no mistakes in pronunciation yada yada) and those just added to my disappointment.

Anyways, here's the detailed report on what happened:
+Preparation and some rushed things:
Aside from memorizing a poem and a speech, my Literature teacher also asked us to memorize an elegy for our graded recitation. Our props and things for our exhibit were also a big headache for everyone, it requires us to stay after classes to finish it. And for my own part, I slacked off again because I am already dead tired when I get home so I wasn't able to do anything anymore T.T The fun part would probably be the mismatching of costumes. I needed a Muslim costume XD
+HS Filipino Presentation
I was first to speak and I was really nervous. So like what I mentioned, the word, "buklod" hated me on the very last minute so I forgot...but recovered it after some seconds. I was disappointed even though everything went successfully. The thing is I won't have a chance to avenge myself anymore...T.T
+Filipino Culminating Activity
I was still depressed by my disappointments in assignments and my presentation so I really did not look forward for the Filipino Culminating Activity. I was the introduction person and I'm thankful that I said my part successfully and I was also able to dance well XD It was so much fun but I'm a bit regretful that I didn't bring my camera because all of us look so awesome. And me...I was so hyper during the said activity especially when there were cameras cosplay aura activated. Something LOL happened, my straps broke while practicing so I walked around the school in bare foot.
+Montessori Celebration
I was very tired and I haven't gotten a good sleep. I was a failed commentator, failed symbol reader and failed emcee for the alumni talk. I don't want to elaborate much anymore because it only brings something unpleasant for me. The school had this activity of forming a butterfly on the field. I wasn't able to take a picture of it but here was how it looked like more or less:

That was the only awesome moment for that day. We set a lot of butterflies free XD It was such a photoshoot moment but too bad I'm not in costume *shot* The butterflies were big and awesome, it was a very beautiful sight when we set them free.

After all the failure, we had a lunch sharing. I'm glad that I can junk down wines already without making a face. I didn't eat much because...I was just too tired to eat *shot*

We were dismissed early and I'm glad that I can ride the service with the rest of the scholars this time. So, since I have my camera with me, we LOLz inside the service like we're in some sort of field trip. It was really fun, I never get to have those kind of pictures taken for several years. I wish that moments like these could still happen =)