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I have adopted trees. SAVE THE EARTH
Louise Anne Luces.
Muntinlupa City.
Lazy Bum|Blogger|Sleep Fanatic
Summer Layout | Doodles and Daydreams
Base Layout by JanLovexYouu ™
Graphics are from ChocoGoodies & Sugarpink
Tweeking by Louise
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Boys and Girls Week; PATTS; Ondoy
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
|Boys and Girls Week: Oath Taking|
September 22, 2009. The Oath Taking event was simply an event where the people who got high positions presented their platforms. And having that knowledge, I brought the assignments I haven't done to the venue so I can go back to school with ease and confidence. Fortunately, I finished my assignments during the event. I could care less if people will watch me XD
There were only a few people who managed to catch my attention and made me look up from my work. A junior little mayor from my village presented a very splendid speech. She's just a small girl but…I think, with the help of the adults around her, her speech has something in it, not just general platforms but she presented specific programs like KID: Kabataan Iwas Droga and some other else. She mentioned a lot, she amazed me even though all those programs of hers won't be possibly executed with only a month to hold the position. Mayor Aldrin even mentioned her on his speech because she was that amazing.
I cheered for Southernside Montessori School cause I want them to kick the asses of the non-exclusive schools as revenge. LOL. Kidding, though I don't know them but I think we're in the same circle of schools along with Southridge *shot* Everything ended with a picture taking of all the districts. My teacher told us to ditch the group picture so we can have picture with the mayor on which we did have :P
An accident happened that day, my teacher dropped Cham Cham [aka. xD (camera)] and the zoom was damaged. Honestly, I was a bit angry but I managed to hid my real expression to not aggravate the situation.
And miraculously, after two days, Cham proved his loyalty to me by fixing itself *0* I was surprised and I can't believe what happened. I remembered that I was on the van when I felt something move inside my bag, I thought that the ON button must have been opened suddenly and when I took it out, it was back on its perfect form *0*
|PATTS Quiz Bee|
September 25, 2009. Seriously, I'm starting to love all these events that requires us to be off campus. This time, three of us (Justin, Sian and I) were sent to PATTS Aeronautics College in Paranaque City for a quiz bee. I was assigned for the Physics quiz while Justin was for Math and Sian for General Information.
We arrived at the venue and what caught our attention was the students studying for the quiz bee. Curse our school for all you want but we didn't do any preparation for this. We were busy with a lot of things and I don't think we are intellectually enough to win XP Manila Science was there and Chiang Kai Chek University as well, both school specializes in Math and Science…so yeah.
We did something very illegal and went to SM Sucat to kill time. Justin keeps on falling asleep and I was trying to enjoy as much so I can relax. I bought Microsoft Excel 2000 for dummies for my Dad. LOL. The day was tiring and I was glad that my dad went home the same time as I did so I get to ride with him. He asked me to go to CD-R King to buy him a USB and that's when I realized, I saved up quite a big amount of money that I can buy a new player probably on sembreak since I still need an amount of money to purchase it.
|Typhoon Ondoy|
I was not aware that there will be a typhoon, I just woke up last Saturday hearing the strong wind. I wasn't affected that much until the electricity was cut off. I was shrieking since my Investigative Project Defense would be on Monday so I just prayed for the suspension of classes on Monday.
During the storm
Somehow, this typhoon gave a long break from school. These past months, I haven't slept normally and I usually do lessen the hours of my sleep since my body clock was screwed up. Last Saturday until now, I just slept the whole day and used the computer. And this break was really extended cause classes are suspended until Wednesday.
I'm thankful for that but I still am worried about the victims of the calamity. I was extremely surprised by what happened to Metro Manila, I never thought that those floods will happen on areas I didn't expect to be flooded. Let's just pray that they will find hope in the midst of the crisis they're facing right now.
My place is located on a high area, so if my area will be flooded, that means Manila was already consumed by flood. Fortunately, my house wasn't destroyed, it was just my backyard that was destroyed. The Papaya tree was uprooted and some plants were destroyed; so much for my family to remember this typhoon.
|Leadership Seminar|
September 24, 2009. I won't say something about the seminar in depth because it's the typical seminar. This seminar isn't exactly boring, I had a lot of fun and this seminar somehow tightened the bond of the HS. My group won 2nd place in the activity and I'm glad I didn't do much leading. I'm more of a leader who only directs my members what to do and ALL of us will do the planning without me deciding on things. XD
Anyway, I would like to share this inspiring video presented to us during the seminar. YOU WILL LOLZ AT THE END 8DD
Cosplay Euphemia Britannia|Code Geass Alexiel|Angel Sanctuary Lal Mirch|Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Benten|Zone 00 Misaki(Maid)|Kaichou-wa Maid sama Artemis(Modified)|Mythology Dia|Shugo Chara Alice|Heart no Kuni no Alice Friederike|Ludwig Revolution ?|Dream of Doll ?|Lamento ?|Vocaloid
-->Others Blonde Wig Platforms Successful Ulzzang Outtake Dark Alice [Dark Lolita] Photoshoot
Personal Get a facial 8D Grow taller
Things DSLR Ball-jointed Doll Portable DVD Player Fashion Things MP4 Player SanDisk 16 GB USB Nintendo DS New Laptop Make-up Kit *Kriselle and Tita Accessories (Necklace and Hair) New Arm Warmers Circle Lens Red Contact Lens Teddy Bear (The huggable one which is not sitting down) Trademark Necklace Huge Earphones
Others Enchanted Kingdom Again F10 reunion After-grad Retreat
Boys and Girls Week; PATTS; Ondoy
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
|Boys and Girls Week: Oath Taking|
September 22, 2009. The Oath Taking event was simply an event where the people who got high positions presented their platforms. And having that knowledge, I brought the assignments I haven't done to the venue so I can go back to school with ease and confidence. Fortunately, I finished my assignments during the event. I could care less if people will watch me XD
There were only a few people who managed to catch my attention and made me look up from my work. A junior little mayor from my village presented a very splendid speech. She's just a small girl but…I think, with the help of the adults around her, her speech has something in it, not just general platforms but she presented specific programs like KID: Kabataan Iwas Droga and some other else. She mentioned a lot, she amazed me even though all those programs of hers won't be possibly executed with only a month to hold the position. Mayor Aldrin even mentioned her on his speech because she was that amazing.
I cheered for Southernside Montessori School cause I want them to kick the asses of the non-exclusive schools as revenge. LOL. Kidding, though I don't know them but I think we're in the same circle of schools along with Southridge *shot* Everything ended with a picture taking of all the districts. My teacher told us to ditch the group picture so we can have picture with the mayor on which we did have :P
An accident happened that day, my teacher dropped Cham Cham [aka. xD (camera)] and the zoom was damaged. Honestly, I was a bit angry but I managed to hid my real expression to not aggravate the situation.
And miraculously, after two days, Cham proved his loyalty to me by fixing itself *0* I was surprised and I can't believe what happened. I remembered that I was on the van when I felt something move inside my bag, I thought that the ON button must have been opened suddenly and when I took it out, it was back on its perfect form *0*
|PATTS Quiz Bee|
September 25, 2009. Seriously, I'm starting to love all these events that requires us to be off campus. This time, three of us (Justin, Sian and I) were sent to PATTS Aeronautics College in Paranaque City for a quiz bee. I was assigned for the Physics quiz while Justin was for Math and Sian for General Information.
We arrived at the venue and what caught our attention was the students studying for the quiz bee. Curse our school for all you want but we didn't do any preparation for this. We were busy with a lot of things and I don't think we are intellectually enough to win XP Manila Science was there and Chiang Kai Chek University as well, both school specializes in Math and Science…so yeah.
We did something very illegal and went to SM Sucat to kill time. Justin keeps on falling asleep and I was trying to enjoy as much so I can relax. I bought Microsoft Excel 2000 for dummies for my Dad. LOL. The day was tiring and I was glad that my dad went home the same time as I did so I get to ride with him. He asked me to go to CD-R King to buy him a USB and that's when I realized, I saved up quite a big amount of money that I can buy a new player probably on sembreak since I still need an amount of money to purchase it.
|Typhoon Ondoy|
I was not aware that there will be a typhoon, I just woke up last Saturday hearing the strong wind. I wasn't affected that much until the electricity was cut off. I was shrieking since my Investigative Project Defense would be on Monday so I just prayed for the suspension of classes on Monday.
During the storm
Somehow, this typhoon gave a long break from school. These past months, I haven't slept normally and I usually do lessen the hours of my sleep since my body clock was screwed up. Last Saturday until now, I just slept the whole day and used the computer. And this break was really extended cause classes are suspended until Wednesday.
I'm thankful for that but I still am worried about the victims of the calamity. I was extremely surprised by what happened to Metro Manila, I never thought that those floods will happen on areas I didn't expect to be flooded. Let's just pray that they will find hope in the midst of the crisis they're facing right now.
My place is located on a high area, so if my area will be flooded, that means Manila was already consumed by flood. Fortunately, my house wasn't destroyed, it was just my backyard that was destroyed. The Papaya tree was uprooted and some plants were destroyed; so much for my family to remember this typhoon.
|Leadership Seminar|
September 24, 2009. I won't say something about the seminar in depth because it's the typical seminar. This seminar isn't exactly boring, I had a lot of fun and this seminar somehow tightened the bond of the HS. My group won 2nd place in the activity and I'm glad I didn't do much leading. I'm more of a leader who only directs my members what to do and ALL of us will do the planning without me deciding on things. XD
Anyway, I would like to share this inspiring video presented to us during the seminar. YOU WILL LOLZ AT THE END 8DD