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I have adopted trees. SAVE THE EARTH
Louise Anne Luces.
Muntinlupa City.
Lazy Bum|Blogger|Sleep Fanatic
Summer Layout | Doodles and Daydreams
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IR; UN; Bag; Happy Birthday Naruto!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Note: Before I start this post, let me just inform the people whom I'm sending my text quotes to, that I'm being an ass sometimes. I do forget to edit the messages I send to you, they were sent to me by other people so when I'm lazy to edit, I just press send. But last Monday, I was paranoid when I reread a message I just sent to 8 people. It goes something like this
Babalik daw si ONDOY
…para magsorry
There was an inserted message within that text that went like this
-> ok lang? hehe
I know that that I may sound very defensive and in a situation of cleaning my name but…I don't want to be in a position where people will think badly of me because of a text message I absentmindedly sent. I hope you understand.
And if a message you got from me from that past gave you some impression then let me explain some of those awkward insert notes you might have read before. If you ever read something about My Sunshine <3, that isn't me. And if you also read before that I'm stuck somewhere and there's no bus, that isn't me.
I shall stop here. A lesson is learned -- I shall edit my texts so something like this won't happen again. I'm saying sorry to the people who received the text message >,<
|Investigative Research|
This is the fifth year of being in the circle of people dying from brain dehydration and anemia. The thing that's worth celebrating is that this is my last year of doing investigative researches. I know that there will be thesis in college but I know that it won't be a requirement for freshmen (as far as I know) -- so, I will have a break from the five years of science investigative research I had in HS.
I spent the whole week at home due to Typhoon Ondoy, most of the time sleeping and surfing the net. And if guilt strikes, I'll TRY to do something school productive until Friday came and my good guilt made me work on my revisions. I worked and worked, and I found out that my methodology was full of, not just holes, but black holes that lead the path to FAILURE.
Two days before, in my own terror, I woke up realizing that my brain is doing researches by itself. You know what I mean? Once you wake up from a very tiring research session the next day, it's when your brain gives you a picture of the scene you see in the monitor everytime you research. The pointer will move, the browser will change then you'll go to pages full of studies related to your research. It was very horrifying and I am not kidding when I say that the minute I opened my eyes, those are the things I saw.
The same day, I watched The Grudge 5: The Girl in Black Korean version. It was full of suicide and it was that day in my life when I thought of suicide. It sounds very tragic but…there were other personal reasons related to IR that affected my emotions. My day started as a horror scene followed by the horrifying suicide ideas formed in my mind…I was very unstable that day that it's scaring me. I know that suicide is bad but you cannot stop the thought when it enters especially when you just watched multiple suicide scenes.
The next day, an ironic twist happen. I thought that that day (Sunday), I would be more unstable but I ironically became very calm. I had a contact with a teacher and she made a comment, also, my aura was just different that day. I finished printing by 2 AM and the bad thing, I cannot sleep *.*
The day came, I felt the blues and the heavy-eyes- effect but…I was surprised by how I performed that day during the 11th presentation of IR from the past years. Honestly, I visualized myself the night before that I'll show a teary eye before the audience and judges because I'm expecting them to ask questions I never thought about, but I did a different thing. I was amazed by how calm and convicted I was that day. During presentation, I presented my chapters smoothly in a way that I was letting the words flow out like music. I averted my gaze while reading the background of my studies to look at my hands who aren't shaking nor cold. I was very surprised. And during the defense part, according to my own evaluation, I answered their questions like I'm going to kick a smidgen of ass. The things I mentioned are based on my own observations, I might be wrong but that's how I saw my presentation more or less.
I was the emcee that day and I think that also helped since my tongue was already exercised before my turn (I was second XDD). I celebrated by myself since I promised myself a gift if IR would be successful. I was supposed to buy the Tsuna headset but it's out of stock so I just bought Moolate from Dairy Queen…which was a bad idea. My stomach hurt after.
At the same day, the presidents/representatives of every class were called by the school head. She let us handle the relief operations of the school and I was glad since this is the activity I was looking forward too. I'm the Chairman of the presidents for this project this time *remembers that Parliament* We had a meeting for four straight hours about the Ondoy seminar and the relief operations I have in mind. I really want these to be a success, we were called only for this project but I think what's in store for us is that if we perform well, we might be promoted and she'll let us organize the bazaar on December. The Bazaar is another thing I'm looking forward to before I graduate, I'm hopeful. I liked the members of the team I have now…they're responsible.
|United Nations|
Saturday. October 10, 2009. The school had a regular half-day schedule. Several days ago, the school had a democratic and surprise election to choose the representative of each level for the UN Convention. The result turned out democratic. Anyone from our class deserves it, the people from third year to grade seven deserved the position, specially the Grade 7 representative. I won in the election and was voted by the council as the Secretary-General. I missed the feeling of having a real election. People from the younger years kept on telling me that they never had a real election...the reason was because of the parliament and somehow, I blame myself for not carrying the burden left by the members of the parliament.
The same day was the repacking of donations by the high school. I ran around the school to call and repack and after all that, I realized I lost my bag. It was stupid because I don't know where I put my bag due to the busy moment I had. My projects, Math notebook and wallet (with 700 pesos) are inside my bag T.T The bad thing, all the rooms were closed so I did not have a chance to thoroughly check every corners of the school. I did not find it and I said I'll just resume my search on Monday. But because of that, my mind right now feels like its floating somewhere up there especially that I have a Math long test on Monday.
It's all thanks to my adviser for lending me money so I can go home and I'm thankful that I had my cellphone with me.
And I think it was also Xanxus-sama's birthday? HABURDEI!!
My worry over my lost bag was gone temporarily by the new ending and opening of KHR and Naruto Shippuuden.
I'll focus on Naruto Shippuuden since their opening kicks ass. The opening is really the best so far in the whole Naruto series. The song Sign by Flow and the scenes are very awesome. I felt the sadness during the part when Naruto shed a tear upside down...and that's when I realized that Jiraiya's going to die soon in the anime T.T
The manga is turning very crazy and I'm glad that the anime is still on the arcs I love. I can't wait for the Sasuke-Itachi fight and the revelations, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to wail again if I watch it.
So here's the super awesome Naruto Shippuuden opening I'm talking about:
Cosplay Euphemia Britannia|Code Geass Alexiel|Angel Sanctuary Lal Mirch|Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Benten|Zone 00 Misaki(Maid)|Kaichou-wa Maid sama Artemis(Modified)|Mythology Dia|Shugo Chara Alice|Heart no Kuni no Alice Friederike|Ludwig Revolution ?|Dream of Doll ?|Lamento ?|Vocaloid
-->Others Blonde Wig Platforms Successful Ulzzang Outtake Dark Alice [Dark Lolita] Photoshoot
Personal Get a facial 8D Grow taller
Things DSLR Ball-jointed Doll Portable DVD Player Fashion Things MP4 Player SanDisk 16 GB USB Nintendo DS New Laptop Make-up Kit *Kriselle and Tita Accessories (Necklace and Hair) New Arm Warmers Circle Lens Red Contact Lens Teddy Bear (The huggable one which is not sitting down) Trademark Necklace Huge Earphones
Others Enchanted Kingdom Again F10 reunion After-grad Retreat
IR; UN; Bag; Happy Birthday Naruto!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Note: Before I start this post, let me just inform the people whom I'm sending my text quotes to, that I'm being an ass sometimes. I do forget to edit the messages I send to you, they were sent to me by other people so when I'm lazy to edit, I just press send. But last Monday, I was paranoid when I reread a message I just sent to 8 people. It goes something like this
Babalik daw si ONDOY
…para magsorry
There was an inserted message within that text that went like this
-> ok lang? hehe
I know that that I may sound very defensive and in a situation of cleaning my name but…I don't want to be in a position where people will think badly of me because of a text message I absentmindedly sent. I hope you understand.
And if a message you got from me from that past gave you some impression then let me explain some of those awkward insert notes you might have read before. If you ever read something about My Sunshine <3, that isn't me. And if you also read before that I'm stuck somewhere and there's no bus, that isn't me.
I shall stop here. A lesson is learned -- I shall edit my texts so something like this won't happen again. I'm saying sorry to the people who received the text message >,<
|Investigative Research|
This is the fifth year of being in the circle of people dying from brain dehydration and anemia. The thing that's worth celebrating is that this is my last year of doing investigative researches. I know that there will be thesis in college but I know that it won't be a requirement for freshmen (as far as I know) -- so, I will have a break from the five years of science investigative research I had in HS.
I spent the whole week at home due to Typhoon Ondoy, most of the time sleeping and surfing the net. And if guilt strikes, I'll TRY to do something school productive until Friday came and my good guilt made me work on my revisions. I worked and worked, and I found out that my methodology was full of, not just holes, but black holes that lead the path to FAILURE.
Two days before, in my own terror, I woke up realizing that my brain is doing researches by itself. You know what I mean? Once you wake up from a very tiring research session the next day, it's when your brain gives you a picture of the scene you see in the monitor everytime you research. The pointer will move, the browser will change then you'll go to pages full of studies related to your research. It was very horrifying and I am not kidding when I say that the minute I opened my eyes, those are the things I saw.
The same day, I watched The Grudge 5: The Girl in Black Korean version. It was full of suicide and it was that day in my life when I thought of suicide. It sounds very tragic but…there were other personal reasons related to IR that affected my emotions. My day started as a horror scene followed by the horrifying suicide ideas formed in my mind…I was very unstable that day that it's scaring me. I know that suicide is bad but you cannot stop the thought when it enters especially when you just watched multiple suicide scenes.
The next day, an ironic twist happen. I thought that that day (Sunday), I would be more unstable but I ironically became very calm. I had a contact with a teacher and she made a comment, also, my aura was just different that day. I finished printing by 2 AM and the bad thing, I cannot sleep *.*
The day came, I felt the blues and the heavy-eyes- effect but…I was surprised by how I performed that day during the 11th presentation of IR from the past years. Honestly, I visualized myself the night before that I'll show a teary eye before the audience and judges because I'm expecting them to ask questions I never thought about, but I did a different thing. I was amazed by how calm and convicted I was that day. During presentation, I presented my chapters smoothly in a way that I was letting the words flow out like music. I averted my gaze while reading the background of my studies to look at my hands who aren't shaking nor cold. I was very surprised. And during the defense part, according to my own evaluation, I answered their questions like I'm going to kick a smidgen of ass. The things I mentioned are based on my own observations, I might be wrong but that's how I saw my presentation more or less.
I was the emcee that day and I think that also helped since my tongue was already exercised before my turn (I was second XDD). I celebrated by myself since I promised myself a gift if IR would be successful. I was supposed to buy the Tsuna headset but it's out of stock so I just bought Moolate from Dairy Queen…which was a bad idea. My stomach hurt after.
At the same day, the presidents/representatives of every class were called by the school head. She let us handle the relief operations of the school and I was glad since this is the activity I was looking forward too. I'm the Chairman of the presidents for this project this time *remembers that Parliament* We had a meeting for four straight hours about the Ondoy seminar and the relief operations I have in mind. I really want these to be a success, we were called only for this project but I think what's in store for us is that if we perform well, we might be promoted and she'll let us organize the bazaar on December. The Bazaar is another thing I'm looking forward to before I graduate, I'm hopeful. I liked the members of the team I have now…they're responsible.
|United Nations|
Saturday. October 10, 2009. The school had a regular half-day schedule. Several days ago, the school had a democratic and surprise election to choose the representative of each level for the UN Convention. The result turned out democratic. Anyone from our class deserves it, the people from third year to grade seven deserved the position, specially the Grade 7 representative. I won in the election and was voted by the council as the Secretary-General. I missed the feeling of having a real election. People from the younger years kept on telling me that they never had a real election...the reason was because of the parliament and somehow, I blame myself for not carrying the burden left by the members of the parliament.
The same day was the repacking of donations by the high school. I ran around the school to call and repack and after all that, I realized I lost my bag. It was stupid because I don't know where I put my bag due to the busy moment I had. My projects, Math notebook and wallet (with 700 pesos) are inside my bag T.T The bad thing, all the rooms were closed so I did not have a chance to thoroughly check every corners of the school. I did not find it and I said I'll just resume my search on Monday. But because of that, my mind right now feels like its floating somewhere up there especially that I have a Math long test on Monday.
It's all thanks to my adviser for lending me money so I can go home and I'm thankful that I had my cellphone with me.
And I think it was also Xanxus-sama's birthday? HABURDEI!!
My worry over my lost bag was gone temporarily by the new ending and opening of KHR and Naruto Shippuuden.
I'll focus on Naruto Shippuuden since their opening kicks ass. The opening is really the best so far in the whole Naruto series. The song Sign by Flow and the scenes are very awesome. I felt the sadness during the part when Naruto shed a tear upside down...and that's when I realized that Jiraiya's going to die soon in the anime T.T
The manga is turning very crazy and I'm glad that the anime is still on the arcs I love. I can't wait for the Sasuke-Itachi fight and the revelations, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to wail again if I watch it.
So here's the super awesome Naruto Shippuuden opening I'm talking about: