I'm currently in a state of shrinking down to the river of Hades. Hell week was running for months consecutively without giving me a rest. I have no sembreak -.- That's why I feel very dreadful that I cannot go to Muken(Ayyah)'s birthday. [Muken, if you are reading I'm super GOMEN TT.TT]
If you ask what I've been doing lately, the events that will be included in this post and to my future posts are the reasons besides the undying trademark of the school about giving TONS of projects a week and MOUNTAINS of homework everyday. And how I cope with all the hills of horror? I can't barely cope up with it. I'm much more bombarded because of my special roles in activities. I am thankful because the teachers do understand my situation. My Filipino teacher even exempted me in class just to finish my speech T.T I'm indebted to teachers and my patience is tested these days.
I'm going to post two separate entries about the things that happened last week. I didn't have much time to post it immediately, so here:
|Sucat Relief Operation|

October 13, 2009. Our group, TAG(Typhoon Assistance Group), together with the Grade School Student Council went to Sucat, Muntinlupa for a relief operation. This relief operation got me in trouble during the preparation (i.e. transportation D8) but I'm glad I survived. With the help of Miraculous Medal Parish, we were able to organize the operation.
And here's the evidence *shot*
The place where we distributed was beside a slaughter house and Laguna de Bay. Pigs were crying after we finished D8 There was still a flooded area in the area and I even saw a tree with 70% of it submerged in water. We finished quite fast and the weather was friendly with us that day so there's almost no problem except that I was very tired and smelly when we finished XD

|October 16, 2009|
A very long day XD That day was the day the seminar, sponsored by my group, TAG, was held. We prepared for this and I'm glad that my members are very cooperative and obedient. I didn't get in trouble this time XD We sponsored the ONDOY seminar to bring awareness to the students about the grave destruction brought upon by the typhoon and gist of the activity is to have the students prepare an action plan. We covered the topic from the making of the typhoon to its destructions done.
Sung Joon, my groupmate, discussing the path of the typhoon 8)My favorite part was the challenging dialogues I gave out. I was the emcee for the event and that means I'm the center point of the proper mood to be given out. It was really fun giving them questions and challenges. Several days passed and I'm glad that we got positive feedback from the evaluation of teachers and each classes. Banzai to TAG! XD
Most people lost a lot, some everything. Some -- everyone they love. In the backdrop of this gloomy atmosphere, we need to help each other. We help not because we are prodded. We help not because we have to. Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng may have left our country, but not our hearts. So now, our dear fellow students, the challenge is now before us. When do we begin?
At the same day, right after the seminar, I run to the gym to practice our UN dance. I brought Cham xD(camera) with me but I was scared to take it out because it might get confiscated.

So when we were going back to our place through the pool path thing. By the way, ever since the beginning of the school year, the third year and fourth year classes are combined in activities so we are like so close to each other ever since last year XD. We are like classmates and I'm glad that they're our kohais(juniors) XD
And right after the practice, I went straight to the relief packing. I brought Cham xD with me and we were still so enegetic by that time. I'm glad that the people I randomly asked to volunteer from the HS went and actually helped XD

We are still holding more relief drives and yeah, I hope I can volunteer again. I like XDD

I got angered by my bangs during the seminar when I was emceeing and my bangs kept on going in front of my eyes. So, last Saturday, while waiting for my sister to finish her Farmville session, I decided to cut my bangs myself since I won't have a free time anymore to get it fixed by a professional. I had an experience of cutting my bangs because of curiosity when I was a kid and well...of course it turned out horrible, my full bangs formed a diagonal line. But I'm glad that I didn't get the same result (I think) even though my cut isn't very good, at least, it's presentable, haha. XDD

It isn't that bad...right? 80