Second post and continuation of previous blog entry.
|DLSU College Entrance Test|
October 18, 2009. I took the afternoon schedule. Compared to my previous entries about UPCAT and ACET, this DLSUCET entry would be something different XD
It was my first time to commute by myself going to Manila, I know DLSU isn't that far compared to ADMU or UP but I was glad that I didn't end up wandering aimlessly on a street in Manila.

I waited in front of the Alabang Medical Center (I needed to go there for a while before leaving) I rode the bus and I almost fell backwards, that could have happened if the old woman didn't pull my wrist D8
Coastal Road 8)I didn't review for DLSUCET at all because a.) Same busy schedule b.) Body clock war and c.) It's either a/b or I'm just lazy to review. Anyway, while I'm traveling, I read up my Mythology book since I have a Literature class the next day. I was nervous after we passed by coastal road but thankfully, I arrived at Vito Cruz safely.
But by the time I got in, well...yeah, I almost got lost because I was confused by the signs but it's wasn't a tragic I'm-lost moment, I managed to understand what the big L means. It was actually a waiting area. I continued reading my book as people just came in.

I took the test gave me a headache. I started getting dizzy at the 1/4 of the test. I don't know if I'll say that it's hard or okay because...just like all the other CETs I took, they're all the same. It happened that I was slow that day and my sleep deprivation revenge attacked that Time became my enemy but I managed to answer everything (and of course, I guessed some too)

I finished by 6:30 P.M. I stayed at Starbucks and ordered a frap while waiting for my sister. And when she came, Kuya Marq(her boyfriend) was with her. He did a lot of card tricks and I was able to catch some of his "madaya" moves.
My tita picked us up and I enjoyed the Manila ride. The lights are beautiful at night, haha. I passed by some stores selling Christmas lanterns, they were so sparkly sparkly (LOL. Lambo, haha.) and just like a rock hit my head, I realized that Christmas is so soon *shoot* I didn't keep track of time as my time was mostly occupied. Christmas is usually a holiday I'm looking forward too- the cold weather, new gifts and hangouts 8DDD I can't wait, haha.
Advance Merry Christmas everyone :3