Pre-ending due to the fact that I will officially have my grand exit on March 25, 2010.
I don't have anything good to say about how my hell week went through. Actually, there's no good news despite my nearing end in Montessori.

March 18, 2010. The high school had our last assembly which is more well known as the Year End Report assembly. Both heads and treasures of classes and clubs will report on their activities, achievements and financial status. Since some powerpoints did not work and the reports were just boring, it's plain obvious that it's a venue where students, like the one above, can sleep without getting caught. In my case, my meticulous side in reporting is still existing so as a result, I had the longest report which run for almost 20 minutes. After the achievements and activities, I gave a speech which looked like a valedictory speech. Now, I have less regrets.
I did not feel the excitement of ending the school year. I just can't imagine that I'll be graduating considering that I'll be graduating in vain. I can't believe that it will be my last time to be with the high school community, to report in front of them, to sing the Montessori March with them and to see them. That was for the emotional part but for the academic part -- I had to rush my term paper. I did not go home immediately, instead, I borrowed a friend's laptop and did the screwing up on my paper. My deadline was on the afternoon, that's why.

March 19, 2010. I submitted ALL the requirements I was missing. I had a photoshoot after but I can't believe that I haven't declared "IT'S SUMMER TIME!" yet.
Now I realized why, there are still many things that I have to clean up before I officially declare something like "IT'S SUMMER TIME LIKE OMFG!" Summer means being on the days of bliss without you worrying about something trivial but your schedule for meet-ups, sleeping, eating and idle time. I guess, I won't declare that yet. It won't be too soon but no, not yet.
However, here are still my goals for summer (not arranged in any order):
1. Fix my accounts
2. Watch all the movies I missed for my whole school year (Minus Alice in Wonderland, I haven't watched any movies when I entered my senior year. P.S: If you want to join me, you can rent in my house ;)
3. Watch anime DVDs!
4. Update with the latest in the world (Anime, Drama, Music, Manga, ETC.)
5. SLEEP (For goddamn sake I will)
6. Restore skin health (Don't 'wut' this)
7. Clean my room especially my closet (The table I cleaned last December cannot be identified as a table anymore because all my things are all over it…and my closet, please don't ask for a specific situation of a pandemonium)
8. Do something about my writing career
9. Have more photoshoots
10. Meditate. I will need it.
That's all. See you guys on my declaration of "IT'S SUMMER LIKE TOTALLY!"