Last Week|Retreat|My lasts posts (if you'll notice) contain impatience, irritation or anger. I actually didn't notice those elements until the end of the retreat. It was only my sister who noticed it after we had a conversation the day before the retreat. I told her my reluctance to go to retreat since I doubt anything will change, I already held much anger to everyone in school than I should. She then replied, I only need to go to church.
I was confused by her answer. What will it do to my feelings? I go to mass in school and yet, nothing changes. I know that I'm consequently skipping mass because I'm either asleep or at work during Sunday and I lost the rights to do those things on Saturday since I have classes.
I have a lot of excuses but in whatever point you look at it, I still committed a sin.
November 27-28, 2009. Field of Faith, Calauan, Laguna.
From left: Me, Dani, Liz, Roni, and Sian
The seniors and juniors are together for the retreat and we absolutely have no problems with that. Out of all the classes, I'd rather have them. Ms. Rosales, the oldest and coolest Literature teacher in school came with us and actually rode on the seniors car.

It took three hours travel from Alabang to Calauan, Laguna. It gave me a good opportunity to sleep and remember the times when I went to the provinces of Laguna. We arrived at the place and once again, nature was around us 8D The retreat house, Field of Faith, was located at the foot of Mt. Makiling. Coconut trees were around us, insects as well but the place was still very awesome.

The rooms are very cozy. It was funny since the others thought that our school would give them a crappy place and this is what Dani said, "This is probably the most expensive thing Montessori could have given us" LOL. We loved the rooms, the backyard door, there was aircon, everything and even the places outside the room:

The flowers in the area served as my experimental variables in photography

There's a swimming pool in front of our room 8D

Flowers again

The mountains


The table inside the session hall. It was really nice.The session started after we ate. By the way, the food was really good 8D Kuya Zandro was the name of the speaker. At first, he had a hard time speaking in English and I actually want to go up and tell him that we can understand Filipino. We ate lunch (we keep on eating no?) and had a siesta.

After our siesta, we had another session and that's when we enjoyed the speaker's talk since he might have heard that we can speak and understand Filipino. The afternoon to night session is the most memorable and it is much more known as the Tears Time. The reflection failed me three times already since my first retreat when I was in Grade School but this time, it didn't. I won't elaborate much on what made me cry so much, all I can say is that the retreat really helped.
At night, we just kept roaming around the area. By 10 P.M. we were instructed to be back to our rooms. Dani started a Truth or Truth game and when it came to me, a girl talk started. It was because of this guy who happened to have a crush on me that they started telling me things but I'm not interested and I just watched them with amazement. But after that talk, my love life was once more in active (and blame the people who know about it and that guy also for going with the flow) until this week and I'm hoping that it will end soon.

The next day, the session continued and at the last part, we were given a chance to give message to each other. I appreciated all the things said to me but I cannot promise that I can improve my socialization with the junior boys since I am not sure what to talk about with them.

Before going home, we went to Gatas Pinoy. I remembered that milk since my Dad used to buy their milk when I was a kid. And on the way home...

There was an accident on the road and I saw the people injured, I hope no one died. Our trip back took two hours and I was picked up by my dad. It was really nice, the experience and everything.
The timing of the retreat was just right. I was in the midst of hanging up but because of the retreat I was refreshed and it really helped me to get back the relationship I have with my friends in school and also with my family.
This weekIt was the usual week but the only thing different is that I can stay awake and not sleep on work, isn't that brilliant? 8DD There are four major things that I can share this week.
First, I found a new way to keep myself awake and you might as well try my method if you are a workaholic. It is effective to eat a spicy noodle when you are almost asleep. I have Tom Yum and it was really effective.
Second, my wishlist is up already. Forgive me if you found some stupid wishes there.

Third, speaking of wishlist, I bought new earphones and they're not just earphones but they are Vongola earphones 8D I was actually aiming for Tsuna's 27 earphones but I think it will really take a long time before his earphones can go back to the Philippines from the first time I saw it. The earphone I bought has the Vongola insignia in it and the foam's color is light blue 8D
The Poem Reader(Me) and The Lost Girl(Christine)
Fourth, depression of the week -- Literary presentation. I was very angry at Ms. R (but I still love her) the day before because she keeps on shouting at me when I think it wasn't necessary. The event was successful but I don't like mine cause I wasn't challenged by the thing assigned to me. LOL.
Next week is another busy week and I hope that I'll be able to post a next week 8D