This post is for last week. There are
scary reasons why I didn't blog it immediately and it has something that has to do again with school and time. Anyway, the title was from Coldplay's song, Yellow. There's no deep reason why I chose that, it's just that the song was stuck in my head last week. During CAT practices and during quizzes, I randomly sing that song, haha.
|UN Global Forum|
October 21, 2009. As I mentioned on my previous blogs, this is another brain racking activity especially for me. For this traditional activity, issues of the world will be brought up by different countries and the UN Council (Sec. Gen together with the other organs), they present their achievements for the previous year-- that was the set-up of the activity for the previous years. But this year, the council has to give an on-the-spot answer to the reports of different countries.

The members of the Council were voted by the students. And therefore, we were the ones sitting on stage to hear the reports. This event is actually the only event in our school where everyone has to wear smart casual clothing. It was super nice to see all of us wearing OOC clothes.

I, as the Sec. Gen., gave the speeches for the event. Ironically, when it was deadline for speeches, I wrote a 5-paged speech only realizing after that I was just confused by the AP teacher (Remembering her makes me grit my teeth). She likes giving riddles at times when it was not appropriate, and who the **** likes that? She could have just said that I'm just suppose to write a FRIGGING OPENING SPEECH.
Anyway, at the end, the council were given 2 minutes for solutions. And since I thought and planned beforehand and all I needed were the comments and suggestion of the council, the speech wasn't screwed up.
|UN: Festival of Songs and Dances|
October 24, 2009. Saturday. I was expecting this day to be awesome, and yeah, it was awesome. Though our class' Entrance of Colors got kinda messed up because of the emcees of the event. The junior and senior class were assigned to the continent of America and therefore, we ended up as native American Indians.
Preparation. Me, Dani and Sian This activity is one of my favorites. We didn't have this activity last year and I'm glad that we have one this year. I liked how the costumes turned out especially for the girls. The colors of head dress of the girls are based on the elements assigned to each of us, (Info: There are two girls in our class and three in the junior class. So all in all, there are five of us) it's like Avatar 8DD *shot* Sian was Fire (haha, Zuko), Liz was water, Dani was Earth and I'm the air
bender, the Avatar 8DDD. The other one is Sun who is most likely part of the Reborn! world XDD

Our presentation was perfectly done and it kicked ass -- both our song and dance XDD We were not surprised that the audience's favorite was our presentation since during practices, we already heard those beautiful comments *there's too much air around, ohohoho!* We enjoyed it and there was no problem.

The United Nations celebration this year was in full blast. I got headaches for the Global Forum but the songs and dances made me really happy. It was only this year when my classmates and the third years were serious about the activity. If both classes are combined, we really are invincible. That tandem is what I will miss when I graduate.


For the UBE supposedly tomorrow with Lucille, here's the plan:
Location: SM Muntinlupa
Time: Lunch time
Lucille won't be coming but Ayyah still pushed for this even without Lucille. Actually, I think there would be a probability that plans might change because there's a typhoon tomorrow. I would be late, as usual. But just to inform everyone, I want to see you guys! Be there *poke*