This is a super late post. Second semester welcomed me with a not-so-tight schedule except for the fact that I have Saturday classes and meetings are still there. Last week was my exams, and this week was the I-am-sick and lazy week. Anyway,
Full moon shot from my windowAs usual, I barely had sleep during exams and yet, nothing helpful came out during exams. There were times when I had chosen not to sleep to study but it didn't help and it just aggravated the situation since my head hurt afterward. And due to all the stress + pressure = stressured I've injured for almost 6 months, I finally got signs of sickness. I never got sick since I was third year and I started to worry since...I think it wasn't fair. I do hell a lot of stressing things yet I never got a chance to get sick since that means being off school.
As for the results of the exam, I don't know. All I know, my grade won't stay the same as last quarter.

And to celebrate my freedom from exams, I hanged out with Kriselle last Saturday 8DD I haven't seen anyone for so long especially Kriselle so I'm glad XD As mentioned in Kriselle's entry, we started catching up and bitching on some things and we ended up concluding something about the "mysterious" actions of our brothers XDD We went to 2rats and splurged on 7 DVDs 8DD I bought Bleach: Fade to Black, Shugo Chara, Spirited Away and Sayonara Zetsubo-sensei. I got Nabari no Ou and the latest Gintama DVDs from Kriselle so for now, I'm overloaded with things to watch.
Then we went to Comic Ally. I went in first to see if the Ate was there and I noticed that she wasn't so I told Kriselle that it's safe XD But then, while we were looking at somethings, the Ate suddenly appeared and I was *0* terrified but I'm glad that things turned out well. Meaning, Kriselle is officially unafraid of the Comic Alley in Festival, Banzai! XDD We bought Gintama Gashapons, I got Okita and I agreed to swap it with Kriselle's Takasugi.

We went back to Foodcourt for the photoshoot of Okita and Takasugi. To make up for my failure of being unable to focus on the figure, I experimented on my camera's super macroshot and I guess it turned out satisfying.
The day ended with us having to buy something for our moms XDD
SO much fun, thanks Kriselle XD Wah~ I can't wait to move in your dorm soon and hack your laptop 8DD
I have a twitter account now. I opened this account to keep in touch with everyone. I still love Plurk so I'll be more active in raising my Karma than twittering. But let's see...

...sleepy now -.-