
October 31, 2009 @ ATC and Dani's House.
Santi came Saturday morning. As a result of his visit, there was no electricity for the whole day so I took the chance to sleep peacefully.
Here's our road after the stormI actually had a dream that the party was canceled because there's still no electricity until my cellphone rang and Dani was on the other line asking if I'll need a I guess I was not really dreaming. I wore my modified Nobuta wo Produce costume(now with high-heeled high boots and black fit-ish blazer) as planned by me and Dani and went straight to ATC.

I wasn't surprised that there were people in costume, I actually saw a hot guy in bloody vampire costume 8DD I was surprised that the sophomores were also there in full costume but I don't mind having them around 8) They were just shooting in Timezone and I was very worried since I noticed that my eyes are literally turning red.
On the way to Dani's house
Procession...dun dun dunThere was no electricity in Dani's house so we had a procession going to her lola's house at the other street. I found the freshmen there and I was more glad cause there were more people and my old classmate, Ashley, also went 8)

We ate for a while and we did our own thing 8) I did my own thing by talking to Ashley about college and yaoi mangas. We are both waiting for graduation but we are super scared for the results. We started watching Scream but the lights went out and we have to wait for a while for the generator to work 8(
So as we kill some time...

Nico ,horror-movie-liked, showed up in that get-up when we went out. Yes, LIKE THAT in the middle of the dark, with the mask and the knife D8 The rest of the time, we just fooled around doing out own thing again. The sophomores went somewhere, the juniors are REALLY FOOLING AROUND (either some will shoot cars or dogs outside, play with Nico or eat)
Carlos...I don't know what he's doingDani suddenly started asking the guys for horror stories complete with the flashlight and I can't forget the random made up story of Carlos:
Carlos: There was this guy who drove all night and fell asleep *pause*
Us: Then what?
Carlos: Then he woke and realized that he's in Taiwan
...ha-ha-ha, sooo scary...
We watched The Scream, and could make you scream. The next movie was a super classic movie, as in it was filmed black and white, it was called The Psycho. I didn't get the story because I was distracted by the time D8 I wasn't able to finish it since I decided to go home and hitch.
This is the very first time in my life that I went home at 1 AM. So, for the record...woho~
|All Souls Day|
November 1, 2009. Everlasting Peace Memorial Park, San Pedro, Laguna. -> My second year of visiting my lola every November 1.

It was the Hmm...What should I do scene...

when I decided to go on my first night party...unfortunately it was still day...

so I sat down for a while and waited for my party mates (while promoting "Break Tobacco Marketing")

Then I found my first party mate...

And another party mate...and then...

It was night time...

Party time...8)But then...

...There's a rumor that a gluttonous serial killer is around the place...I thought it was my cousin

but he's just being an ass DX

I thought it was me...


I thought it was my sister...

But no again...And so in order for negative things to be out from our place

I did a character transformation: "AMULET HARTO!" and killed the negativeness by saying "Negative Harto, OPEN!" (<- Shugo Chara)

And knowing that we are innocent, we formed a special force 8D

And as the night deepens, the serial killer hasn't shown up...

But when I asked for food and didn't receive a Yes...I fell unconscious

...and when I woke up...he was dead 0.0 So who can the serial killer be?
LOL. That was a lame story, but the pictures above mainly told the things we did
and that is camwhoring It was brownout at night if you'll notice and I did not mind at all since we are safe inside our place XDD I was glad that there was Zage and Greenwich there, I would have died from thirst if there was no Zagu. So anyway, that concludes my Halloween this year
Super cool 8DD