|Christmas Presentation|December 18, 2009.

Another musical production but this was ugly if I compare it to the "Song of Life" last year when we even rented Insular Life for the production.
Nonetheless, the Christmas production this year is okay
because we were able to skip classes and those things, haha. There was only singing and our music director gave the hardest piece to the unconquerable tandem of the seniors and juniors. That was basically the reason why we didn't like the production, the piece was baroque and it was so hard to master.
It's like saying that if we are not the ones with the best performance then everything else will go down *shot*|Family Reunion|December 20, 2009.

It was our first time to organize a family reunion. Before, it would usually be us who will request for one but not in our area in Muntinlupa since more of our relatives live in Bulacan.
Insert KerKerness hereI was not in a mood to socialize because I actually don't know them that much. So, I hang out with my cousin and we both went KerKer(Korean) We danced hilariously to some KerKer songs
and I'd rather not show the video
I OWN THIS MIRROR...AND THE BREADLater on, after I was dragged out because I was one of the "Bring Me" things, I started annoying people. There was a contest in the karaoke; whoever gets the highest score will take home the pot money. My cousins are professional singers and I'm just a wannabe songstress. After I sang, I scored higher than my cousins 8DD LOL. I won by a point, 96. Woot!
After the reunion, my sister, cousin and I didn't call it a day yet as we went to Festival for shopping. It's been a while since the three of us went out together. We were home late and it was funny since both my our mothers texted the same thing: "San na kau?" LOL
|Community SOP|December 21, 2009.

Representation of the Christmas Presentation but this time with a different audience. We presented for the Bayanan Elementary students as our Christmas gift 8D
|Last Day of Class|December 22, 2009.
Bad things happened in school so I'll move on. Vacation officially started as soon as I stepped out of school and hang out with Miguel and Kriselle while waiting for Ayyah in Festival.
Hi dar Miguel!The objective for today is to crash in my house. We surfed the net and watched hilarious videos. Ayyah went home and Kriselle stayed to sleepover 8DD I kept on falling asleep when we were watching *ehem* some *ehem* animus, oho! I had super fun! Thanks Kriselle...and Ayyah too! 8DD
Anyway, our(Kriselle and I) tradition continued: We bought new Gintama Gashapons. Let me introduce my new character.

Hi Gin-chan!

Meet Taka-chan! 8DDSpeaking of Gintama, I don't support the airing of the anime in the Philippines. Kriselle and I saw the commercial yesterday in ABS-CBN and we reacted almost the same way.
A few more hours and it's Christmas.
Greetings to you and your loved ones XD
May the spirit of the season fill your heart and home with love, peace and happiness. Have a blessed and meaningful Christmas. Godbless you and your family!