The graduation I remember is when you are excited, you feel very emotional as memories of your experiences flash in your brain and you get more and more emotional when you start singing the graduation song and when you take pictures with your friends. This time, it was different. The mood was plain formal and none of those nostalgic sweet moments stated above came. I took pictures with everyone smiling like we're hanging out, I was nervous singing the graduation song because I'm distracted by the other people beside me who don't memorize the song, my memories are off and my happiness was held back because I know that there is something wrong with me graduating.
I always imagined my graduation in a more awesome way and I never thought that this day would actually come so fast that I didn't absorb the fact that..."Yes, I'm leaving Montessori" Even though the actual event isn't exactly as how I imagined it, I'm already satisfied wearing that toga and getting a fake diploma on stage.
This day started with a headache. I did not feel excited because the conclusion of this year marked my senior life as a failure. Our school head, who I fought with, did not even attend our graduation. It was sad, but when it comes to me, I'll try to have fun out of every situations.

Four of us are graduating. I'm happy that none of us was left behind and we are going to graduate together. There was this awkward atmosphere during our preparation and I realized that our school year did not end in a good way for the four of us. There's a fight left behind between the two members of our class and probably that adds to the awkward moments because all I know, the class must be at peace especially at the end since we won't be seeing each other that much on college anymore. Probably you're thinking, 'There are only four of them but they're still fighting?' Yes, we are no common class. Moving on...

If you ask how the four of us managed to hold a graduation ceremony, we had the grade school graduates with us. The activity started with a mass (which was a last time for me to be a commentator) followed by the graduation rites. Our graduation ceremony is not the common activity with awards because our school doesn't have awards, valedictorians or whatnot instead we have speeches, experience speeches, parent speech, representative speech and more speeches. The only traditional is getting the diploma and singing the graduation song.
Before I say, "All's well that ends well", I would like to introduce to you readers the people I've been mentioning in this blog for the whole time:

This is the assistant school head, Ms. Judith, member of the Holy Trinity

This is Tita Mila or Ms. Rosales, my cutest and most favorite teacher(aside from Mr. Alex)(P.S. Her subject is my favorite as well), member of the Holy Trinity

My teachers (From left: Mr. Jomar(Music), Ms. Queenie(not my teacher this year but she's one of the closest teacher I have this year), Ms. Joy(TLE), Ms. Rowena(Physics), Ms. Julie(Grammar), Ms. Cris(Math), Ms. Louie(Filipino;Adviser), Mr. Dave(CAT;Health), Ms. Cathy(P.E), Ms. Sherelle(A.P), Ms. Millie(Guidance Councilor), Ms. Edith(Computer; but she didn't become my teacher this year since we don't have computer anymore)
And that ends my high school life. No matter what happened to me on those five years, the memories will always stay with me. Even though everything is not solved at the end, there is nothing I can do about it anymore and I just have to move on :)