First of all, I would like to apologize for the late posts recently.
I have so many things in mind this summer. Actually, my planner is full of to-do's for the remaining days of my summer BUT summer heat is getting me lazy. This unbearable heat is keeping me in front of my fan thinking of nothing but "IT'S SO HOOOOOOOOT". The moment I turn away from the fan, it feels like my skin's going to dehydrate immediately. Even after taking a bath, five seconds after wiping yourself, you haven't dressed yourself yet but you'll get sweaty immediately. The rotating brownouts keep me cursing indirectly to Meralco through the poor fan. Before, I'll feel sympathy for the fan if it's used for the whole day but now, I'll just pat it and say, "There's only two months, please don't give up on us" I was even traumatized last Friday when I went out at noon. The cricket's so annoying, it's so quiet, there's no presence of a moving wind at all, I'm parched, I'm sweating like hell and I even cried out to the sun:

This is the worst summer temperature so far. You cannot even tell if you're crying from heat anguish or if you're just sweating.'s summer time. =.=
I'll have a change of goals from the goals I posted in "Pre-ending" Please refer to my past posts is you want to take a look at it.
1. Fix my accounts
2. Watch all the movies I missed for my whole school yearNo time for this so instead...2. Survive enrollment
3. Watch anime DVDs!
4. Update with the latest in the world (Anime, Drama, Music, Manga, ETC.)...I'll try my best It's still to update with whatever but specifically with manga and...4. Be active on IU, LJ, Multiply and MB.
6. Restore skin health (I'm wondering if it'll be effective when I'm sweating all the time)
7. Clean my room especially my closet
8. Do something about my writing career
9. Have more photoshoots How can I survive photoshoot during this weather? so instead...9. Clean computer and all USBs from viruses
10. Meditate. (I'll try to do this through blog)
11. Shopping (And hopefully, I'll have money)
12. Prepare for college (I don't know HOW exactly but what comes to my mind is making the layout for my college blog)
In the midst of my laziness on this heat, I still managed to do some small things.

I deleted my Friendster and Deviantart account and made an account in
Tumblr and
FormspringLayout's changed as well and I call it Doodles and Daydreams. I combined two base codes again and added my own customization. The banner is ugly because I made it, I call that doodle and laziness. By the way, the blue drawing is not a sea wave, it's a cloud. This is so embarrassing, I even have to explain my doodle.
The rest of my "accomplishments" will wait until the summer conclusion post.
While I'm coping up with the heat, my music player and camera USB did not survive. My music player, Cass, is still in coma and my camera USB's dead. I bought a card reader but my computer does not recognize it because of the viruses(not from the card). So, expect that I'll have posts with less or no pictures until the viruses are removed.
Happy Summer everyone!
|Extra Tumblr Post|Click if you're bored.
I have this feeling that Tumblr is more public that's why I was scared to post this there. a more private place for me, I think.