For two years, I noticed a big change on the owner of this blog. At least, I can say that that owner matured so much over the past two years.
As I look back at those two years, sometimes, I would feel creeped out thinking, "How can I post something like this?", sometimes nostalgic "Oh, I remember this :))" and sometimes idiotly amazed, "Whoa! I posted this? I actually knew something like this before?"
It has been years filled with productivity. At the summer of 2008, I saw myself as an annoying kid who keeps on fangirling, telling something useless, and being random using a bad style.
I was more inclined to being a Narutard and being super informal. I use Nyaa/Gah with ~ all the time. I review WSJ like some retard and I blog useless things. The only normal thing I saw back then is how I posted reviews about some mangas. I saw myself as some annoying Narutard-fangirl-of-all-things person back then. I know that people go through this stage but the feeling becomes funny when you look at yourself and you feel the urge to shoot "that" girl.
At the start of my junior year, I was pretty much the same except that I don't post useless things and I stopped using ~ all the time. I still fangirl and I post my school life in a very VERY detailed manner and some of which, you won't even care to know about. I was a Cosplaytard during this time but it didn't annoy me that much compared to being a Narutard. I developed through being more formal(but still informal), stopping the use of ~, I fangirl with detailed evidences why I must and I rarely saw Nyaa or Gah with ~
Summer of 2009 marks the start of being me. I totally don't post useless posts, xD gave more life to my blog and I developed good ideas and techniques in blogging. I have no problems and the only difference between 2009 and now is that I talk too much during that time, but that's not a problem.
During my senior year, I was still the same at the beginning. I fangirl with a few words, I rant, I blog about topics I never thought I would and I post my life in details. However, during 2010, I stopped putting "my whole life" on the blog. My blog became more formal and filled with cheese.
During those two years, I saw the difference and in fact, I was happy. It's like the evolution of Louise 8D I decided to keep this blog open even though I'll be moving. This blog amuses me and makes me look back and remember the past.